Chapter 20

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Alex shoved me away from him.

" john please let me explain " alex said" it was her not me please listen"

" get out alex" john said harshly " get out both of you

Alex ran out of the hospital crying. Nurses rushed in to johns room seeing he was awake. I texted the group


Liz; i have good and bad news

Peg leg; bad then good

Baguette; i agree

Jerkulese ; same

Red; same

Liz; i kissed alex

Jerkulese; dude not ok

Peg leg; wtf is wrong with you you idiot



Liz; good news

Liz: johns awake

Jerkulese; you fucking idiot

Baguette; where is alex

Liz: he ran idk to where


I was taking a break i had only been at work for about two hours it was 7:30. I left sonny and pete with the shop. Probably a bad idea but i didn't really care at the moment. This week has been insane. I walked down the street not really thinking about much. Until i was nearly knocked over by someone running past me at full speed. Ok, i was knocked over. So was he. He ran straight in to me. I stood up and offered him my hand.

" sorry sorry sorry" the guy repeated

"Usnavi?" He said looking up

" yo mini me long time no see" i laughed" so what are you running from?"

" problems that i technically created" alex muttered

" like what " i asked as we walked down the street

" remember like three days ago when i ran in to your store" alex said

" yes..." i said

" well my friend woke up" he said

"That's great!" I said" why are you upset then?"

" well remember that girl" he murmured

" yeah.." i said

" well we were in the hospital when he woke up and right before he did she kissed me." Alex said

" and why is that bad?" Alex looked ashamed" oh alex"

I hugged him " alex its fine why didn't you say anything the other day?"

" hi i haven't seen you for like 12 years and i'm bisexual now" alex laughed" how would that sound"

" eh i'm like 99% sure sonny and pete are gay" i laughed

" i thought they were" alex started

" they are not" i laughed" just one other thing"

We walked back in to the bodega

"You are an idiot!" I yelled at him

" ik" he mumbled

" i'm not done" i said

" what on earth would make you do that! Usted es un idiota que fue lo primero que vio. qué dijiste. Quien era esa chica. ¿Te besó o la besaste? Te besaste de nuevo Te disculpaste Cual es tu plan ahora Juro por Dios que te haré disculpar si no lo haces. ¡idiota!" I screamed ( you are an idiot was that the first thing he saw. what did you say. who was that girl. did she kiss you or did you kiss her. did you or she kiss back. did you apologize. what is your plan now. i swear to god i will make you apologize if you don't. you idiot!)

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