Chapter 25

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I heard Thomas shout form somewhere in the thickening rain. It was getting harder to see by the second and unless we found alex now there was no way we could find our way back to the dorms. I ran in the direction of where I thought the shout had come from and ran straight in to something, no someone. I ran in to Herc who was standing with Thomas while john was kneeling on the ground with alex.

" John I found Laf we should get back to your dorms now" Herc said shouting over the rain

" what's happening?" Thomas shouted

Right Thomas must be so confused. Thomas didn't know about Alex's past or his fear of storms, he didn't know a lot about Alexander but then again very few people did.

" I don't really think alex is in any state to really walk at the time" John said worried

" I've got this " Herc said and picked up the tiny boy.


Alex didn't weigh to much. He actually weighed terrifyingly little that cant be good. No one had been monitoring his eating recently I guess and no one had seen him enough to notice how thin he had gotten over the past few weeks, not that he wasn't terrifyingly thin before. It was much worse now much worse. Thankfully Mother Nature was on our side a little and we didn't have to walk straight in to the wind, because that would have made it nearly impossible to do anything. The wind pushing on our backs slightly spread up the walk through the slush on the ground and the insanely thick layers of rain. The whole walk back to the dorms alex was in some strange stage of somewhat awakeness. He was not unconscious thankfully but he didn't seem very aware of his surroundings. He was crying but if i didn't know him I would have no idea because of the crazy rain. He mumbled some things every know and then but most were incoherent. I heard the name james a few times i think im not sure. Who was james? I'm sure he didn't mean Reynolds or Madison. I would like to ask him but as i said before hes not in a very good state and it would probably upset him more to bring up more memories. I could feel at random times his grip on me tighten of his breathing speed up or slow down. A few times he started thrashing wildly as if he was trying to get away from me because or as if he was trapped. He technically was trapped but not anywhere he would need to get out of. No that he was even fully aware of what was happening around him. He was trapped in his own mind. We eventually got to the dorms after a painfully long track half frozen and soaking wet. I went and dumped alex in his bed and john ran over to him. Laf and i knew it was best to leave them now so we slowly walked out the door. I grabbed Thomas on my way out earning a small shout from him. I knew we all needed to be out of there and only john cold comfort alex in a time like this. But there was one thing we didn't think of. Thomas.

A/N  just another short chapter cause writers block. woah guys. I said i was thinking of discontinuing then the veiws shot up about 400 more veiws. Woah. Tons more votes and comments. Love yall.   

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