Chapter 23

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It's been almost two months, two months of awkward mornings in the dorm a few tense meeting with friends, two months of escaping to Thomas's dorm. James isn't doing very well and he seems to be getting worse. It's freezing here there has been a few storms. I still hate those, Thomas doesn't know that yet. I try to stay away from people durning storms but its not as bad anymore, now that I have no one to care about. *ring**ring*. The phone broke me from my thoughts. I rolled off the couch accidentally waking Thomas who I was leaning.

" ugh, who is calling at this ungodly hour" Thomas groaned and picked up the phone from the table


" hello?" I said

" Thomas?" Washington said

" yes?" I said

" what are you doing with Alex's phone

" talking to you?" I said

" no, I mean why on earth do you even have is phone" Washington sighed

" because he's here" i said

" thats great tell my son i need to talk to him" Washington said

" i'm not your son" alex yelled from the window

" am i on speaker?" Washington said

" no" i said

" how did he-" Washington started

" i have no idea but here" i said and handed the phone to alex


" hello sir" i said

" why are you calling me at 6 o'clock in the morning on a Saturday" i asked

" not important at the moment, why are you at Thomas's dorm" Washington said

" because i fell asleep?" I said

" what about your friends" Washington said

" what about them" I asked

I forgot Thomas and i still argue and fight in public, we don't act like friends. I wonder where john and the others think i go?

" um, whatever. I forgot to tell you that you need to get out of dorms for Christmas break" Washington said

" what! Where am i supposed to go?" I yelled

" ask the Schuyler's or john or laf or someone" Washington said" sorry son"

" IM NOT YOUR SON!" I shouted and hung up the phone

" that went... well" Thomas laughed

"Look at the snow" i said getting distracted

" woah it snowed last night. First snow came a little late this year" thomas said

" lets go" I grabbed his arm and ran out of the dorm


" this stuff is so freezing" alex said

" you will get used to it" i laughed

Alex has never seen snow before, it's hilarious. He has just been messing around with it so have I its beautiful. I loved how. All the trees look covered in snow. Suddenly something hit my back. Snow.

" you little bastard" i shouted running after alex

He was surprisingly fast in the snow. We were running around the dorm laughing like we were insane. I'm sure other people thought we were. He stoped and stared throwing snow balls at me. So of course I started doing the same to him. Neither of us could throw very accurately so we were throwing snow everywhere


I heard something hit the window, i don't know what it was the curtains were closed. Laf herc and I were siting in my dorm.

" is no one going to see what that was?" Laf asked

Herc and u just stared at him.

" are you wearing mascara?" I asked

" ugh" laf groaned and walked over to the window

" herc... come and see this" laf said

Herc got up and handed laf five dollars. What were they betting on? I have to see this. I got up and walked to the window with my blanket still over my shoulders, what could possibly be so interesting. Is laf wearing mascara? I saw a tall man with a giant fluff of hair chasing a tiny one with a ponytail. Is that thomas and alex? But they hate each other, this chasing seemed more life fun then they were going to murder each other. I pushed in front of herc and laf. Was he going to turn in to a democratic republican like thomas? Was this all my fault?


Thomas was chasing me now. His long legs sunk in to the snow more then mine so i was a little faster. I looked to the side and saw someone looking out a window. John. His face, i dont know how on earth i could describe the look i saw on his face. It might have been the worst thing ive ever seen. And Ive seen some shit. I skidded to a halt causing thomas to trip behind me. I stared at john he stared at me.

" what was that abo-" Thomas's voice trailed off after he saw john

I turned around and ran


I saw alex run. I shot a glare at john and ran as fast as i could in the snow trying to follow his footprints but they were mixing with the other footprints and filling up with new snow. I searched for 2 hours before i finally stared to head back to the dorms. I got a notification on my phone.

Lee: you fucked up bad

Tom: what did i do

Lee: you hurt james

Tom: how

Lee: (link)

Tom: john wrote that alex and. Were a thing?

Lee: yup

tom: its a lie i was just hanging out with him

Lee: don't worry I believe you but i cant speak for others

That ass. I stormed over to johns dorm and banged on the door.

" what do you want " laf sneered opening the door

" i'm not dating him, tell john to take down the article and post an apology latte but now we have more important things to do." I said

" like" laf said

" alex is missing" i said

" shit, john herc lex is missing we need to go and john post an apologize and take down that post" Laf yelled 

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