Chapter 12

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I woke up to the horrid shrilly f the alarm. Why alarm clock why. 7:00 am. Of course john was already up and ready his hair pulled up in to a bun. You could see all of Jim's freckley face like constellations. I want to count them all some day.

" hello earth to lion" john laughed waving a hand in front of my face

" sorry" I blushed

I walked in to the bathroom and ended up cracking up on the floor when i saw my hair. After a few minuets of taming it down i'm just going to leave it down today. I walked out to get dressed i put on my hood side today, i only have one. Like i said all i came with was a backpack. Speaking of that backpack that was now filled with school supplies. I grabbed it and pulled on my shoes. I waked out in to the hall john followed we were met by Laf herc and aaron. Weird when we got to the stairs there was no thomas or james, when we were met by the girls halfway to class there was no maria only peggy theo angelica and eliza. Right school started so their group wil be reforming i wonder why Aaron is not with them. We arrive at Washingtons room. Those of us who have debate packets to turn in turn them in mine has the longest essay by far. 27 pages long. Would that seem like i'm trying to hard. Oh god what if i don't get accepted because he thinks i'm trying to hard. The bell rings.

" hello class." Said mr, Washington walking in" i see we hve lots of applications or the debate team"

He organized the papers and put them in some drawer.

" its good to see that everyone is here no on time in this weirdly small class." Washington said " form teams of four we are doing a group pop quiz"

The teams were herc Laf john and i, thomas james m james r and maria, eliza peggy the and angelica, george lee sam and burr. Burr seemed very unpleased with his group.

" ok so how this works is you guys each have a small whiteboard and a marker i will it a question on the board the firs team to have their board up with the correct answer wins. That round" Washington announce

The Groupon all broke in to mumbling as to who should write.

" not me non, i will spell things wrong" laf said

" dysgraphia, no one can read my handwriting." I say

It's down to either herc of John

" not it" herc calls

John groans " you guys need to tell me the answers then"

" we will" alex said


This is serious pressure i always mess up under pressure. You could ask me to spell cow or broccoli and I outdo. Still mess it up. I'm going to fail. Washington asked a question alex whispered 1808 to me so i rote it and stuck the board up.

" one point for the revolutionarys'' said Washington

Thank god we got alex

Another question was asked. Shmonuth defresin. He whispered. slameander damiltion. Lafbaugette. Humpresneez pulligan. jhon lurcans. Over and over he whispers names and dates we have 98 points Schuyler's and theo have 7 and southerners got 3 and burrs team got nothing. Long story short. I mean like really short. We one by a lot.

( time skip brought to you by my rioters block after writing that himaltots chapter and i want to make another of those)

I was texting alex in class its not like the teachers care. Laf and herc were behind me and alex was in another class.

JHON; your know what

Broke(n); we are in class and should not be texting?

JHON; no...

JHON; we have never gone on a real date

Broke(n); I like where this is going

JHON; date tonight its Friday so there is no school tomorrow

Broke(n); where r we going

JHON; surprise

Broke(n); Fine but i call Schuyler's to help me with this

JHON; good i wanted herc and laf

Broke(n); That worked well

Broke(n); Just text the Schuyler's were we r going the said they would help

JHON; ok

Broke(n); 10 bucks says they follow us

JHON; what they

Broke(n); All of them Schuyler's herc laf and southerners

JHON; like all together

Broke(n);Either way

JHON; knowing them i'm going to lose this bet

Broke(n); Yes you are

I turned around to herc and laf who had been reading over my shoulder.

"You guys are helping me and i don't want to lose ten bucks so please don't follow." I wispered

" don't worry we got you johnny boy" said herc

He and laf smiled. Should i be a little worried or a lot worried. I mean what could go wrong its just one date. Right?


I walked over to Peggy's dorm all the Schuyler's theo and maria were going to be there. This should be interesting

A/N i feel awful about doing this. But its better than nothing. It was my first day back at school i had 4 tests that needed corrections and homework for 8 classes i could just writ this in so tired. It's like 890 words sorry. But hey i'm done with the fluff we get some plot finally yay. I unblocked my writes block and will write like crazy at 2 am or tommorow so don't worry.

~ your sorry author,


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