Whole wheat bagels.

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Ok... first, read the chapter before this i posted it like an hour ago. Unless you are reading this in like 2018 then it was posted a while ago. Comment if your reading in 2018. (OMG IF U HAVEN'T SEEN THE VIDEO WATCH IT ITS SO CUTE I LOVE IT OMG)No its not over. Not yet. So this may seem random but it will be very important. Btw its 3:33 am. So i'm lying here in bed being an insomniac as usual. And I was like shit man i really want a bagel. But not just any bagel like the whole wheat ones i had in preschool. Damn i love bagels. When did i last have a bagel a while ago. Who was that user who was one of my first readers? Seabagel? No that was a diffrent person, Idk. When was the last time i saw em. I mis em. I like my readers especially when they comment and message me. Damn when was the last time checked my messages. Ill do that now. So here i go responding to yall in story format,

What do you look like?
Imagine a short person with really long legs for a short person and hair like a 28 inch lion mane

Stony lams jamilton jedhead klance phan

Do u art? Do you like art? Can i art for you?
Yes, yes, i'm not sure what that last one means but sure why not.

Do u like YouTube if so who yo fav?
First off learn to grammar. Second yes. Third dan/phil jaiden animation katzun kickthepj

Tv shows????
Supernatural, sherlock, riverdale, voltron, Big Bang, himym, simpsons, peggy carter, marvel agents of shield.

as you would say LEARN TO GRAMMAR
That's not a question. An appropriate question would be, why do you have bad grammar at lot? What you said was a statement that i agree with.

Hey don't people understand equality?
Idk, it seems simple to me. I'm a person your a person. Bam would ya look at that 2 people who deserve the same rights. Cool.

Crush in a tv show/ movie/ actor?
Jughead. Tom holland. Don't judge me. Idk if either of those are spelled like English.

How do i send in questions?
Like that

R u secretly Dan Howell?
Stop asking me this. The answer is no your like the 14th person too ask. Am I missing some joke? Do you all have some joke about me i'm not part of? I don't get it. I'm just going to get more are you dan Howell spam now aren't i? Ah well.. at least yall are bonding... somehow.

How do you feel?
I'm so fricken hungry right now. Also my ged is too small if i use a pillow. So are my blankets. I got jumpscared by my own hair then cried. I'm a mess. There's a lot of spiders in my bed.

Tf is happening in the story?
Which one? No matter what idk.

Ok so guys. This part is super important. The story's almost over... but its not over yet. Also i'm having a bit of a crisis. No one will ever remember any of this. As you all grow older your days of reading fan fiction will slip from your minds. You wont remember that poorly made story 'lets start at the beginning'. I just want you t know... even once were grown up and you don't remember me ill remember all of you, everything you've ever said to me and all ik about your personalities. I cant forget these things. So just remember in 20 years. You all make me smile everyday. Your comments have made me so happy i'm almost in tears. And some actually in tears. Laughing too. And as always do ya wanna be friends?


LETS START AT THE BEGAINING(LAMS)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя