"Of course it's a yarn doll. He's been my companion ever since I was three years old. I call him Yarny. Well, Dad was the one who gave him the name. He's not really good with names."

"Some of us in this base have companions." Asriel added. "For example, Kubo carries a small paper samurai in his backpack. Steven, he's a friend of ours, has a pink lion. Twilight has a talking dog. Pinkie has a baby alligator. As for Fluttershy, she has many companions. Kuro's only one of them."

"I thought Kuro was only a steed." Clarissa said.

"True, Kuro can be ridden." Frisk said. "But there are some companions that their owners can ride as well."

"And Yarny?" Jonas said.

"He can fit through small crevices." Frisk placed Yarny on her head. "He can unravel himself and turn back and he uses sewing needle for battle. Also, he can be mischievous when it comes to shoelaces."

"But why are you hiding a tiny yarn doll in your jacket?" Alex wanted to know.

"I'm protecting him from Blake." Frisk answered putting Yarny back in her jacket.

"And why are you hiding him from Blake?" Clarissa asked.

"Oh, you know. She's a cat Faunus, and cats like yarn, so."

The room went silent after Frisk said her words. That was when Nona filled in.

"You know. I see what you done there." Nona said.

With wide eyes, Saoirse yanked on Frisk's jacket and got her attention. She pointed out the room's window. Frisk's eyes widen. Blake was walking down the hallway, and she was going for the room's door as she entered.

"Did you guys smell yarn?" Blake asked. "I smelled yarn, and it smelled like it was coming from here."

"No." Everyone lied with shaking heads.

Under her breath, Frisk sighed with relief. "Thank you."

"Oh." Blake sighed. "It must be my imagination. Though, I'm pretty sure I smelled yarn."

"Ask Rarity." Asriel said. "You know she has balls of yarn waiting for you to play with. I mean, she knows how much you love yarn, and boxes."

"Huh. Well, thanks Asriel." Blake walked out of the room.

Asriel sighed. "Oh, how I hate lying."

"Asriel." Frisk said.


Frisk placed her hands on Asriel's shoulders. "You just saved the life of my favorite yarn doll. How can I ever repay you?"

"Uh...you don't have to. It was nothing."

With a smile, Frisk pulled her brother into a hug. "Thank you, Asriel! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!"

"Oh. How cute...and weird." Ren said while staring at the two siblings, then turning to Saoirse, who gave him a shrug.

"Welp, I'm out." Jonas made his way to the door. "Tell me when something...eventful happens."

"And where are you going?" Alex asked with crossed arms.


Everyone watched as Jonas left the room and walked down the hallway. Suddenly, Papyrus ran into the room with a bowl of spaghetti.

"Oh. Hey, Papyrus." Frisk said, releasing Asriel from the hug. "What are you..."

"I was wondering if any one of you seen Joseph in this room." Papyrus explained.

"Jonas. His name is Jonas." Alex corrected.

"Oops! Silly old Papyrus." Papyrus cleared his throat. "Now, have you seen him?"

"Sorry. He just left." Clarissa said.

"Darn! I was going to get him to try my latest dish." Papyrus sighed. "Oh well. I'll just ask someone else. Saoirse?"

Suddenly, Saoirse screamed and ran to the window, opening it and jumped out. The others gasped as Frisk ran up to the window and looked down.

"Oh gosh. Is-Is Saoirse okay?" Nona asked while playing with her braid.

Frisk sighed with relief. "She's fine. Garnet just broke her fall."

The others joined Frisk at the window. Garnet was outside, and Saoirse was in her arms while shaking.

"Trying to escape from Papyrus, are you?" Garnet said, placing a hand on Saoirse's head. "I see."

Everyone sighed with relief.

"You know. I'm just going to ask Ruby." Papyrus said while looking at the plate of spaghetti.

"I'm good!" Ruby shouted from far away.

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