Chapter 9

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If you enjoy, please vote and comment! I finally have an update schedule, Tuesdays and Fridays are my update days. I may scatter a couple more throughout the week, but Tues and Fri are definites. 

Much love, Max

Jeff had created a small nest for her under the counter using some old, slightly soggy blankets. Despite the wetness, Bella was grateful that she didn't have to sleep down in the hold with the pirates. She shivered thinking about it.

The waves were not gentle that night, a storm brewed in the east, and it was hard for her to fall asleep, but when she did, it was a deep sleep. She dreamed of the sea and of the Navy. Her father was there with her, a huge smile on his face. He was so proud of his little girl. His large hand enveloped hers as they christened her first ship of her own. She basked in the happiness she felt, a happiness she had not had in awhile.

Bella was rudely interrupted from her dream by a hoarse shout and the sound of thunder cracking in the sky. The ship tossed about, everything not bolted down sliding from one end of the galley to the other. Another shout sounded out and she got to her feet, curious of the commotion. She slowly and with great care walked over to the galley door. It was hard to move around since the ship was rolling so much, but she managed to make it without falling. She undid the bolt and opened the door, almost tumbling out the opening from the force of the wind. Grasping the railing firmly, she began to inch her way towards the noise. It took her a good ten minutes, but she hadn't fallen overboard and that was good.

Someone lighted a lantern and she could observe the scene in front of her.

All the pirates surrounded Jeff, who was cowering against a stack of boxes, his thinning hair soaked with rain. No one saw Bella staring, all attention was on Jeff and Captain Kell, who towered over the quivering cook.

"Confess and we'll make this easier for you." The Captain demanded.

Jeff shook his head, "No, Captain, I didn't do nothing, I swear!"

Captain Kell sneered, "I know the taste of poison even if it's hidden in a bottle of rum. You were the one who handed the bottle to me, you are the only man here who could have tampered with it!"

Jeff was sobbing now, violently shaking his head in denial.

Captain Kell turned to address the crew, "Lads, what happens to a sailor who commits mutiny on my ship?"

The pirates shifted their feet, each one terrified to answer. It was Berkeley who spoke up.

"They die." His face was emotionless as he said it. Bella gasped and put her hand to her mouth.

Captain Kell nodded, "That's right. We kill 'em. Quartermaster, would you do the honors?"

Berkeley shot him a look, but took the dagger that the Captain held out to him. Tears started to fall from Bella's eyes as Berkeley approached Jeff, his face as stony as before. Berkeley grabbed the blubbering Jeff by his shirt collar and hoisted him up.

"If you're going to die, do it with some dignity." The Quartermaster spat, raising the dagger over Jeff.

Bella couldn't watch, so she turned away and plugged her ears with her fingers so she didn't have to hear Jeff's anguished screams along with the dull slice of iron against soft flesh. 

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