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We're getting close to wrapping up. Two to three more chapters.
I do need some help! I need baby name suggestions.
Please and thank you!


Two Months Later

Sleep didn't seem to want to come but I stayed in bed so I could hold on to the best thing the Goddess had given me. Jackson was curled into my arms sleeping soundly after a night of love making and at last, marking one another. We had waited to get to know one another, to truly be in love with one another before making the leap into bed and laying claim. It had been a wonderful night for us and despite that, I was plagued by horror.
I could close my eyes and be back in the dungeon again.

Shortly after the Tribunal had come to an end and the guilty verdict had been read, I knew that I had to reveal the truth of what happened down in the dungeon to Jackson. I didn't want him to get saddled with a Mate less than he deserved. I didn't think getting through the conversation sober was a wise idea but in the end I couldn't bring myself to swallow what I had poured. I told him about all of it, from beginning to end. The abuse, the poison, the torture. About wanting to kill myself -- begging the Goddess to take me from this world. I told him about the night I murdered my father and how I would never regret having done it. Jackson listened the entire time, not once pushing me to continue or trying to placate me with shallow words. When I was finished he took the whiskey from me and swallowed it in one gulp. I thought for sure I had lost him.

Instead of walking away he had lowered himself to the floor before me, taking my hands in his in the process. He assured me that he was going no where, that he was going to slow me what honest love was, and finally, that he was sorry. He was sorry that no one had saved me, that no one had questioned my whereabouts, that my parents had hurt me because of him. He apologized for not being pure, for not knowing that Kira was not really his Mate, that he had hurt me by Mating and marking another. And he had begged for my forgiveness.

I couldn't believe it when I had heard it. He wanted forgiveness for what, exactly? I had denied him his request, an action that broke his heart it seemed, but had followed up quickly by telling him that there was absolutely nothing to forgive. And while he tried to protest, I shushed him with a hot, needy kiss.

Tonight was different. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong and that I needed to be awake for it. I allowed Jackson to sleep, knowing he needed it after a long day of trying to work out the kinks of combining two seemingly at odd Packs. To top that off, we were still trying to build a school house and get everyone situated in their new digs. It was a trying experience for both of us. Jackson was a good trooper about all of, never one to complain about being tired or overworked.

"Baby..." Jackson's voice whispered as he tossed in my arms, snuggling closer to get comfortable. I smiled down at him softly, pushing a hand through his hair. "Can you not sleep again?"
Thick with sleep his voice was like magic to my lower regions and I fought to hide my reaction from him. That little devil would perk right up and demand I allow him to take care of my needs if he knew.

"I'll be okay, love. Go back to sleep." He grumbled unintelligibly under his breath before settling back down against my pectoral, his warm exhale dancing across my bare chest.

God, I love you. I thought, glancing down at him once again. Instead of staring at him like a creep, I settled for leaning my head back and closing my eyes, hoping for sleep to find me.

Instead, I got the trill of a phone in my ear and bad news that I had to tell my Mate.


"How the hell did it happen? That site was supposed to be totally secure and completely guarded." I barked into my phone, nearly yanking my hair out by the roots. It had been three days since the call and still Amber hadn't been found.

People were in chaos hiding and searching, demanding to know how she had escaped and if they were safe. She managed to murder two of the best guards between mine and Jackson's Pack, her own mother and put her step-father, Derek, in the intensive care unit.

What I wanted to know?

How had she done all of that in a room that should've rendered her as weak as a newborn human?

I didn't know, but I damn sure was going to find out.

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