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Chains encased both wrists and ankles, the sting of silver eating away at the flesh slowly. The noxious scent of burning flesh filled the room, nearly overwhelming the smell of piss and blood. I was alone, the weak thud of my heart was the only I could detect. All this I knew without opening my eyes. There was no need to. I knew exactly where I was. I'd cleaned this room as punishment all of my life -- all of us had. And I was a prisoner -- had been for nearly two decades. 

My mouth was dry, the chalky taste of the brew I was given lingering in the back of my throat like the acidic tang of vomit. My Wolf was weak and my senses were dulled due to the deadly combination of the liquids swimming through my veins. Otherwise I would have heard it the first time. The rattle of a door handle, the heavy shuffle of feet and the hiss of aging hinges chorusing behind it. 

The piercing pain in my chest was nothing compared to the fire brewing in my gut as he approached, seeing his face -- a mirror image of mine -- staring at me. He smirked down at me his teeth a gleam of white in the darkness, waiting a few moments before he finally spoke. 

"You feel it don't you, son?" The satisfied tone of his voice wasn't lost on me. "You feel that burn deep in your chest as you breathe in, the taste of metal when you swallow, like your throat is filled with blood? That's because your Mate is fucking someone else. Because he's giving his Mark to another." There was a gleam in his eyes as he spoke one that said he knew exactly what it felt like. I wondered briefly if he did. I knew my parents weren't Mates in the more traditional way, they'd chosen one another -- or my mother had chosen my father. It was common knowledge among our Pack that my mother had targeted my father for his rank -- it was only because of my conception that he even marked her. I wondered if he felt this agony when his Mate had found her chosen? Did he understand the sickness swirling in my gut as images of my Mate and his chosen loving one another sailed through my mind? Did his wolf tear at him for release as the seconds passed? Did his chest ache with a pain so deep that he felt it through his whole body? If he understood all of the agony I was in, why would he keep me from my Mate? Why would gender matter so greatly that we were to be kept apart?

"I know that you're not just experiencing the sensations from your Mate, but also the silver binding you, and the wolfs bane and night shade coursing through your system." His heavy footfalls echoed through the room as he came closer, my heart thudding louder in my ears with every step. Physical contact with my father was the last thing I wanted and I knew that my body was still recovering from the last time.

"Despite what you think Tyler, I love you." I tensed with every word he spoke, knowing what was coming. I had heard this speech a million times since I found my Mate. A mans name I still didn't know and likely never would. "And I'm only doing what I think is best." The sound of chains clinking together behind him had my throat closing. 

I knew what was coming. 

And I prayed to the Goddess that this might be the last time I'd ever experience it.

Present day

His eyes met mine over the large expanse of field, it was as if our eyes were magnets.The scent and sight of my Mate had me in a frenzy. I'd only seen him once before when we were both young, but it was enough to know that  he'd grown into a fine man.  His aura was dangerous as he growled, he confusion clear in his brown eyes. His neck strained as he stared my way, his whole body was wound into a coil of tension. His dark hair was short now,  enough to run fingers through, but not it didn't touch his ears. His face was clean of any hair, unlike my own beard. He was more attractive that I could've imagined. Cade salivated in appreciation internally, but was still too weak to come forward wholly; it had been like this since the night of my father's death. A sudden movement to my Mate's right caught our attention -- brilliant red hair. 

A growl came from my throat now. I knew the delicate face of the woman perched at his side, and she was anything but what she seemed. 

Kira was the witch who'd been aiding my father in keeping Cade at bay, at keeping me from inheriting my rightful place as Alpha. She was the witch that made the poison that was forced into my system. 

And if the way she leaned into my Mate was any indication, she was also the witch who'd stolen my Mate. Her hand rested on his bare bicep, her blood colored nails sinking like claws into his flesh. My eyes couldn't move away from the sight of her touching him, her flesh touching his. The satisfied gleam in her jade colored eyes sent a flair of jealousy through me. 

I felt Cade shift dangerously. 

The elders around me and the guards at either side exchanged glances quickly, but said nothing. I felt a power similar to the one that night surge through me -- a warmth that flooded each of my limbs slowly -- a heat shuddered through my body all at once. Cade was pushing forward now, tearing to get out. 



He was staring at me and I couldn't look away. Something about him called to me. Drew me in. I needed to look at him like I needed my next breath. I could barely feel Kira's hand on my arm as I looked at him, as sound bubbled through my body -- Trace was snarling ferociously at the sight of him, begging to be let at him. But he didn't want to harm him. 

He wanted him. 

He lusted after him.

Confusion swirled in my mind. Why was I reacting this way to him? He wasn't just another male, but he was an accused murderer -- a man who'd slaughtered his father. On top of all of this, I was mated. Happily mated. Right? 

But even as I thought about it, there was something -- a voice-- in the back of my mind that said something wasn't right. Something wasn't what it seemed. 

And looking down at Kira next to me as she smiled triumphantly at the man in chains on stage, I knew it was true and I had to figure out what it was. 

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