My stomach growled as I licked my hungry lips,"Looks great. May I have some?"

They laughed at my question,"Of course!" Selena told me.

"Well sorry! Some packs make you join their packs before letting you do anything." I replied, grabbing a plate and putting some food on it.

"So did Aiden tell you about movie night tomorrow?" She asked excited.

"Yeah." I said, rolling my eyes at Aiden who winked at me.

"What should we watch? I was thinking of watching a comedy! Know any good comedy movies?" Selena asked before taking the rest of her eggs in her mouth.

I blushed at the thought.

"I've only ever watched five movies in my life." I spoke shyly, waiting for their reaction.

And shit! It was definitely a sight to see!

Selena had kind of a confused expression, like she was trying to figure out a difficult math equation in her head.

Aiden looked at me with the expression that said 'Really? That's what you're going with?'

"What?" I giggled, taking Selena, Aiden, and my own plate and putting them in the sink.

"I guess we'll just have to show you a bunch of movies." Selena said, putting a smile back on her face.

"What if I wasn't done with that?" Aiden pouted, pointing to his plate that was in the sink being washed by another pack member.

"Well if you weren't, then you are now." I teased him.

"Do you guys want to go on a run?" Selena asked, getting up from her seat.



We grabbed a bag to put our clothes in, then we headed outside to the woods.

We took off our clothes and put them in the bag, then hung the bag on a tree branch.

I shifted first, into my Maltese tiger.

I had told them about what I was before, but I hadn't shown them, so their reaction was hilarious.

Selena screamed and jumped onto a tree branch away from me.

Aiden growled when Selena screamed, probably thinking I was a wild animal, but calmed down once he saw what, I mean who it was.

Selena shifted into her bear form after jumping down from the tree branch while blushing. Her bear was so richly brown that it was almost black. Her brown eyes shined with excitement.

Aiden's form was so perfectly like Caine's that a tear fell from my eyes and I lowered my head to the ground.

Something picked me up and threw me over it's back.


She walked for a small amount of time and then gently slid me off her back and onto some grass.

"Take your time, honey." She told me as I took deep breathes and thought about how leaving him was the best option.

But it wasn't. I could've told Tristan that the only way I would be going would be if Caine went too. Tristan would have had to, because I would've been commanding him too.

But I was weak in the heart, soft. I didn't want to use my power on anyone I didn't have to.

My mom wrote me a letter, like all of our kind do, saying that with great power comes with great responsibility.

A little too 'Spider-man' for my taste, but I try to follow that when I can.

I got up and stretched my back and nodded towards the rest of the woods for the run.

Selena and Aiden understood and we ran through woods.


I rinsed myself off in the shower before putting my pajamas on and going to the movie theater.

Selena and Aiden were arguing about which movie they wanted to watch.

"We are watching The Avengers!" Selena yelled at Aiden, growing red in the face from her anger.

"No way! That movie is so stupid! X-men is way better!" Aiden exclaimed.

I sat down and waited for them to decide, but it just kept going. As soon as I got a headache I yelled,"Shut up!"

They both fell respectfully silent.

"Now tell me about each of these movies. Selena, you go first. Explain Aiden's movie choice." I told her.

She sat there confused for a second then grinned and went on to explain the X-men movie.

"Good. Now Aiden. Explain The Avengers." I told him.

He explained Selena's movie choice and then realized that it might not be so bad to watch. He had only seen it twice, as he explained.

So we ended up watching The Avengers.

Half way through the movie, Aiden's hand found mine and held it.

We were sitting on the couch together, and the scene where Black Widow and Hawk-eye are fighting had just started.

Aiden took my hand and his and kissed them both sentimentally. He fiddled with my fingers and smoothed out my skin.

I admit that it felt nice to be cared about like that, but it didn't give me the chills that Xavier, Caine, or Tristan gave me. Though it was nice to just relax with a boy without my hormones going on a high.

By the end of the movie, my legs were draped over Aiden's. Only then did I realize how much this could damage our friendship.

I got up and said good night then went up to my room, changed, and went out of the house for a run.


Hope it was good! Ilysm!💕




Love y'all,



Immortal Eyes--True IntentionsWhere stories live. Discover now