Gloria's POV

"Fucking piece of shit" I yelled through gritted teeth. I then angrily kicked my car tire.

"Why'd you let her go?!" Harry yelled a bit angry.

"Nah bitch this is your fault! You're the one who went and cheated on her! You're the one who broke her heart and made her pissed! If she dies this is on you! You're the one that had to stop her not me! But why would you? You could really care less if she dies anyways, unlike me or Niall!" I yelled in his face.

"I never fucking cheated on her! I love her with all my life and if she dies i'll go with her! I would kill myself for her, believe it or not! We broke up because we both had jealousy issues. She's the one that broke up with me!" He yelled.

"Fine, if you love her, go save her ass" I spat.

"How the hell am I suppose to know where she is?! She just sped off into traffic a few minutes ago, she can be anywhere now" Harry yelled.

"Well if you know her well enough, you'd know where she went. Now start looking asshole" I spat. He just sighed and jumped into his car.

"I'm going with you" I said jumping into the passenger side. He just nodded and turned on his car. We then left the parking lot burning tire, just like Sandra did.

"Slow down, you're gunna crash" I muttered.

"I can't" He muttered speeding up.

"Just calm down" I said softly. Yet that didn't budge him, he just kept on going fast.

"Slow down" I said a bit louder. He just ignored me.

"SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!" I yelled. He immediately pressed on the brakes making me plunge towards the front and hit my head on the little counter. He then pulled to the side of the road.

"I can't slow down knowing that I could possibly lose the girl I love. She can crash, commit suicide, or do something crazy and it'll all be on me. I can't waste time Gloria, I know for a fact, that right now she has no one. She's in trauma mode. She has no family members, her mum doesn't want her, she's lost her baby, and she lost me. She will either find love or she will kill herself to end her misery. I have to stop her, only I can do that. So fucking cooperate with me. Gloria just put yourself in my position, how do you think I feel right now?! I'm literally shaking nervous, i'm scared- I can't live without her!" He said sadly while tears ran down his face. I just sighed. Its hard to see him crying, I mean he's my cuñis, and something tells me he really does love her.

"I'm sorry, just go" I sighed. He just nodded and sped onto the road again. God help us find her.

Sandra's POV

I wiped away my tears as I drove and parked into the small parking lot. I had all my clothes and stuff in the trunk and my guitar and flowers in the backseat. I slowly took out the guitar and threw it over me. Then I grabbed the flowers and looked in front of me. In front of me stood hundreds of graves and tombstones. Sadly, my baby was one of those, along with Oscar. I walked around a bit, relieved that none of them had Austin's name on it. When I was just about to call it quits, I heard a little boy yell "mommy". I looked around a bit, but never saw a little boy or anyone, actually. This cemetery was abandoned, it looked like a desert here. When I looked down, in front of me stood a tombstone. It sent chills down my back. I felt paralyzed, and could not move a finger. I could not even breathe, I felt as if the air had been sucked out of me.

"Austin Luis Perez-Rodriguez aka Lil Homie. Rest in Peace, forever a part of the gang. Our little gangster will forever be missed. Norte sidin'"I read aloud as tears ran down my cheeks. On the floor lied a bunch of read bandanna's and a photo of Oscar and Austin. My heart broke when I spotted the necklace that Juan had gave him as a newborn. My Austin looked nothing like Trey's Austin.

Impossible LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora