Chapter 8

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Gloria's POV (Next Morning)

I'm sorry, I never explained about the FBI shit right? Oops. Well late's better than never. Alright, you guys know about the child Sandra had a few years back. Well me and Juan got together with the FBI a year after the baby was born. We've been searching for Oscar and the kid for years. Even though Sandra doesn't want anything to do with her son, she will eventually have to. She needs to get it in that puny brain of hers that, the child isn't the reason she and Oscar broke up. It was her decision to have sexual relations with Oscar, so its practically her fault.

Enough of that, remember how the agent said to figure out stuff about the gang, well thats exactly what i'm doing. I'm going to the bastard of Jason's house, because he knows practically every gang in LA. I can't drag Claire with me, because she hates Jason and Abraham because they do drugs and are gangsters. Little does she know that me, Sandra, and Alma basically do the same. We just aren't gangsters, well I'm sure Sandra has gangster in her blood, because she's like a fucking ninja. She can defend herself from everyone except Jason.

"Gloria where are we going?" Alma asked as I drove into the gangster part of LA. Or should I say Mafia? Jason is so fucking rich he can practically afford anything he wants. He lives in a fucking mansion, with his whole family. I'm talking about aunts, cousins, uncles, and even his grandparents. Jason's mom is daughter of one of the most scariest, and most wanted men in America. Now you know why Sandra was so scared of him? When he snaps his fingers he can get rid of anyone he wants.

"To Jason's house" I said simply stopping at a red light.

"I need to get some information out of him"

"What type?" She asked.

"Just some information" I said. Soon we both changed the subject.

"So what college are you going to?" She asked.

"I don't think my singing career is going start anytime soon so i'ma try to start it myself. I'm hoping to go to UCLA so I can study in the media and hopefully get somewhere in life"

"Me too! I'm applying for UCLA and maybe get a major in something so I can start acting" Alma said happily.

"Claire's hoping to get into Harvard or Yale. I think she already got into Yale, but she wants Harvard. I think she's going to study in the Law and Justice" I said.

"What about Sandra?" Alma asked.

"Nah, she's not going to college. She thinks her dad's going to help her become a star. She's always said that" I said.

"You know how it is with rich people" Alma said sadly.

"Hey i'm kinda rich" I said.

"Did you have to apply for scholarships?" I slowly shook my head. "I didn't think so" She sighed.

Soon I was driving into Jason's house, which takes a while to get through all the security. Like I said most wanted criminal in America. Thankfully the security knows me well since I come visit Abraham often. He lives here, instead of his house. At first I thought he actually lived here, until he cleared it all up.

I confidently got out of my car along with Alma. I spotted Jason waxing his car. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and he didn't see me and Alma until we were literally foots away from him.

"Abraham isn't here, he went to deliver goods" Jason said not even looking at us.

"I didn't come here for Abraham, I came to talk to you" I said slowly.

He suddenly stopped waxing his car. He stared at me for a couple of seconds then stood up straight in front of me. I stepped back a bit in fear. I heard Alma let out a big gulp.

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