Chapter 3

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In class
Myles, Jac, Craig, Chres, and Chris sat at the same table in class.

Chresanto: Well it takes Mr. Nelson a long time to come to class so we might as well just talk a lil bit more.

Myles: About you being bullied back then.

Chres: Shut up!

Rayan walks in the class and sits at a table next to Chres 's group

Chres: Nigga ain't yo class next door?

Rayan: I got moved.

Chres: Aw hell naw!

Rayan: I was thinking the same once I saw you.

Craig: Ooohhhh!

Chris: Aye ya' don't start that. Its too early.

Rayan: Right.

Chres: Say that for your hair.

Craig: Ooohhhh!

Rayan: If u trynna jone I can do what I did eleven years ago back in first grade.

Chres: I ain't even got the time for that.

Rayan: Cuz u scared.

Jacob: Chres if u scared, I can repeat what I said outside.

Chres: I'm good Jac.

Jacob: Aight.

Rayan: So u wanna jone.

Chres: No. I just don't need nobody standing up for me.

Rayan: Okay.

Chris: U ain't the only one who knows how to jone.

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