Chapter Six

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I've been hanging out with Trey so much I forgot about August. The crazy thing about is he haven't called me either. I guess he waiting for to call him I'm not chasing no man. Trey says he doesn't want a relationship but his actions are saying the opposite. We go out on dates, take long walks on the beach. I think I'm sending the wrong message. Trey is cool but I been there done that. Like I told him before he is a good friend but a terrible boyfriend. In the beginning its always good once he get comfortable he starts to change for the worst. I know I shouldn't be dwelling on the past but its there for a reason.

Trey had a business meeting out of town so I decided to get some cleaning done. As I was cleaning I heard a knock on the door. I went to window to see who it was and it was Peaches. I really don't know why she is here. I opened the door but I stood in the way so she couldn't come in.

"Can I come in Samantha"

"Why are you here Peaches"?

"I'm came to see how you were doing. I haven't you seen in a while".

"Well as you can see I'm doing just fine. So if you'll excuse me I have some cleaning to do".

"Why you keep treating me like a step child Samantha"

"You did this to our relationship. You always writing a check your ass can't cash. Then you expect me to always be there for you".

"I though we moved on from that Sam. You really need to stop living in the past. It's not healthy for you".

"You know what your absolutely right I'm going to start living in the future. My future is looking real bright and your trifling ass isn't in it. I suggest you remove your foot before I break it off when I slammed this door".

She kept her foot there then she noticed my face didn't changed. So she quickly stepped back and I closed the door. I'm getting real sick of this girl always popping up. I don't know what she wants but she need to stay away from me.


I'm trying to be nice to Samantha but she keep on pushing me away. Well I got something for that ass you just wait and see. I need to call in a favor to show Samantha who she's dealing with.

"I need you to do me a favor"

"What are you giving me in returned"

"What ever you want, I just need this situation handled immediately"

"Why don't you come over here and fill me in with the details"

"I'm on my way now"

I drove to his house to give him the usual. I haven't seen him in over three months but its cool. It's always business before pleasure so I don't trip that much. I got to his house quick since he doesn't live far from Samantha.

"Hey wassup stranger"

"Nothing much I'm going to do you this favor and that's all. I don't need nothing in returned you got me".

"Why I always repay you with a sexual favor? So what's so different now".

"I don't need to explain anything to you. Do you want my help or no".

"Yeah here's the address go there with a partner. I need you to give her the red light special".

"Well damn she must have did some fucked up shit to get this kind of treatment".

"Yeah she did, she's home now so get on it. Call me and let me know what happens".

"Say no more Peaches".

_________ Smilez

I finally finished cleaning and taking a bath. I'm going to ordered some Chinese and have a movie night. I should call and see if August wants to joined me. I ordered enough food for two people I'm just waiting for them to come. Thirty minutes later I hear a knock at the door. I didn't bother to check who it was because I figured it was food. I pulled out some money but I didn't smell any food. I looked up and seen two men wearing a ski mask. I tired to close the door but one already grabbed me. He slammed me into the wall and started groping me. I ended up biting his lip when he tried to kiss me. I didn't let go until I tasted blood. He punched me repeatedly in the face. I glanced over and realize the other one was just the look out. I started swinging back I caught him a couple of times in his eye. He reached down to grabbed what I'm guessing was a gun. I just kneed him in the groin as he bent over. I kicked him in the face while grabbing his gun. The other guy had he back to me so I hit him with the butt of the gun. He dropped to the floor I looked back and seen the other guy getting up. I took off running out the house. I remembered August saying he lived directly around the corner from me. I kept running until I reached the back of my block. I seen a group of dudes on a porch smoking. I couldn't tell if August was there or not. I reached down to grabbed my phone but i left it on the coffee table. So I did the next best thing..

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