The Joy Of Love

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Angelica and Eliza were dragging their soon to be married sister all around New York. It was extremely chilly outside and their shoes started to get wet from all the snow laying on the ground. The three of them had planned this day thouroughly to have the most of it and get as much stuff done for the wedding as they can. Peggy was swooning over how romantic Maria was all the time since the proposal and played with the ring on her finger. She was feeling so much joy she almost needed a bucket to fill some of it in there.

They arrived at the wonderful wedding gown shop they had found on the internet the day before. Peggy's eyes widened at the beautiful poofy dresses. They looked like something only princesses would wear! She stormed into the shop and eagerly started searching for the perfect gown.

Eliza followed her sister quickly and tried to calm her down a bit. She saw a really cute short blue dress with small diamonds on it. Her eyes were fixed on the dress and she would love to try it on but today was all about Peggy!

Angelica was talking to the lady behind the register and asked her for help in finding the right dress for her sister. She pointed at Peggy who was jumping up and down like an excited kid. Angelica chuckled and went off to the other side of the store to brows until Peggy would want to show her a dress.

The shopkeeper found a dress in a matter of minutes since it was pretty clear which colour Peggy wanted and there weren't many options. It was a middle long yellow dress without sleeves. Peggy was really ecstatic and went right into the changing area. "Do you need some help darling?" The shopkeeper asked but Peggy said she'd be fine. She smiled and looked at Eliza who was eyeing the dress again. "Do you need one as well?" She asked in a soft voice. "O-oh no, thank you but I'm not getting married in any time soon. I do have a boyfriend but he loves his work certainly too much to think about marriage." Eliza let out a long sigh. "But it is a very beautiful dress indeed."

They bought the dress and went to their next station, the hairdresser! Peggy walked up to the hairdresser and showed her the dress to ask her opinion on how her hair should be on her special day. They made an appointment and decided on a braid which goes over her shoulder and let some stray hair out.

Angelica tried to braid her own hair with no success because she wasn't really good at it so she asked Eliza to do it for her. After that they left the hairdresser and took a break from all the walking so they went into a café.

"Man, how am I going to break this to Eliza?" Alexander asked Lafayette and played with John's curls who was fast asleep on his lap. He was happy but he didn't want to break her heart again.

"Maybe you should just tell her? I don't think it would be good to hide it, non?" He took a sip from his ice tea and pressed a kiss on Hercules' cheek.

"Eliza, this girl is always looking at you." Peggy whispered and pointed a bit too obvious to the redhead behind the counter. The girl looked away with a huge blush on her cheeks when Eliza took a glance at her. "Don't point at her Peggy that's rude." Elizabeth said and took out her phone to get distracted. "But she's really cute! Why don't you go and talk to her." Angelica insisted and winked at her sister.

"I have a boyfriend and both of you know that." Eliza sighed and gave the girl another look who waved at her. She waved back and turned back to her sisters who were smirking like little devils. "We both think that Alex isn't the right choice for you, hun." Angelica said finally and took a hold of Eliza's hand. "He already dumped you once and I'm pretty sure he's in love with John. Have you seen how he looks at him? He examines him! Especially his freckles. And remember Christmas? The rose John got him was so beautiful." Peggy and Angelica were really trying their best to make their sister happy and they didn't want to repeat the things that happened in the past since it would break their hearts to see their sister so devistated.

"Are you sure about that?" Eliza asked in a sad voice and her eyebrows were knitted together. "I don't know what to think about this." She mumbled and put her head onto the table. "Why is everything so complicated?" Angelica gave Peggy a concerned look and coughed. "Maybe he isn't the right one for you darling. Give her at least your number and then we can go home and watch something on TV." Peggy said and Eliza nodded. She scribbled her phone number on a small piece of paper and when they stood up she walked to the girl. Eliza was slightly smiling and gave her the paper and left with another wave.

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