The calm before the storm

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Hercules met up with Theodosia to go looking for the perfect wedding dress. He called his work and explained the whole thing and got the day off. "Okay let's go in there because I know the saleslady and she knows how much of a perfectionist I am." He linked arms with the giggling woman and they both walked with their heads high towards the shop.

As they entered Theodosia couldn't help but squeal a bit at how beautiful the dresses were. She unlinked her arm from Hercules and ran deeper into the store. "Oh my god! They are all so fabulous~" Theo turned around and saw Hercules talking with a lady which then came to her.

Hercules was looking around alone for a bit before he and the saleslady wanted to grab the same dress. He let out a loud laugh and took his hand back. "I see I can trust you. You've got a good eye." He smiled.

Theo couldn't believe how pretty this specific gown was. She snachted it from the hands of the saleslady and ran way back into the shop to try it on. The dress was tight on her hips and her waist. Under her waist it was poofy and she looked like a wonderful disney princess. Tears pricked at her eyes as she twirled in front of Hercules and then hugged him tightly. "I love it." She whispered.

Angelica stepped inside the house and searched her bag where she put her dress for tonight. She found it behind the couch and went into the bathroom to put it on. The music was getting louder and she couldn't help but dance a little. After a not so long search she found the other three women in Peggy's room toying around with the sound system. "Guess that's going to be a wild party tonight?" She chuckled as she saw how the other three were already dancing. Angelica hugged Eliza and danced with her. "I'm glad you got your mind cleared up a bit."

Hercules and Theodosia walked out of the store and the soon to be wedded woman hit Hercules softly. "You didn't have to pay Herc. I earn my own money. It was also so expensive!" She pouted and took out her phone to find some messages from Aaron. Her face lit up and shoved her phone into Herc's face. "Isn't he just adorable?!"

Hercules laughed and read the messages. "He can surely be all lovey dovey. Consider the dress as your wedding gift from me." He felt arms around him and looked down to see Theo hugging him. They both walked for a bit until Herc saw the icerink where Lafayette was. "Look there's Laf!" He said excited and pulled her along.

Lafayette could see Hercules and Theodosia running towards him. He skated closer to them and gave them a huge hug. "Mes amies~ What are you doing ici?" He asked and smiled at Hercules.

Theodosia jumped up and down. "We went shopping for my dress~" She sang and twirled around. "It's so incredibly beautiful and when I twirl it's all bouncy."

The two men were so happy for their friend and were looking forward to the wedding. Lafayette decided to go home with Hercules so he left the ice and changed into his normal shoes. They brought Theo to the bus station first before they went home with huge smiles on their faces. "I'm so happy for her. I wish I could marry soon~" Laf said dreamily and earned nod from Hercules.

The walk home wasn't very long but Hercules loved it. Just he and Laf walking around seemed so peacefull. He was still thinking about the other night where Laf was crying but he didn't want to ruin his best friends mood so they walked more or less in silence.

Alexander finished his work early so he could get home and nap a bit before they would go to the party. He said his goodbyes to Aaron and took his coat. The cold hit him instantly as he set foot out of the office building. He rubbed his hands together and walked a bit faster so he wouldn't have to be in the cold for much longer. As he finally entered the apartement he saw Lafayette and Hercules laughing on the couch. "Well what do we have here?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows. He took off his coat and walked into his room where he changed into more casual clothes for the following night.

The evening came painfully slow for John. He really needed a break and he was getting nervous as he thought about how he was going to aks Alexander to dance with him. 'Okay John calm down. You just have to ask him and don't drink too much or it'll get weird.' His shift was about to end as a last customer made an order and John quickly made it. As he handed the the bevarage to the customer it was 7 o'clock and he took off his Apron.

At 7:30 p.m. the whole squad was assembled on the couch. All of them looked fabulous as they always do. They decided to leave the house at 8 p.m. so that it was already dark because of the current season. The TV was on and they watched the News which also mentioned the presidential debates. "Can't they just shut up about Trump? I want some happy news." John sighed and watched how Alexander slowly got into rage mode and ran to his laptop to rant on Twitter. He chuckled at how Alex got so passionatly fired up about someone he hates.

It was now time to leave so John got Alex out of their room and had to lliterally drag him away from his already 4 pages long word document. "Come on Alex. Let's go and have some fun and don't think about the shit that's happening in this world."

Hercules was driving and was also the driver for when they would go home. He drove to the address which he got from Peggy and parked a couple of blocks away from the house. As the four of them walked towards the house it dawned on Alexander. "Wait a second! That's Eliza's sisters house!" He exclaimed and the other three looked at him in shock.

"Then the girl who invited us was one of Eliza's sisters?" Hercules asked and scratched the back of his neck. "We never met them since you two were together only for two weeks so I didn't know. Sorry Alex."

Alex shook his head and patted Hercules onto his shoulder. "You couldn't have known Herc. We are both over it so I don't care if I see her again. We are here to have a good time and not speak of the past. Gentlemen let's go!" He said with a big smile on his face and they open the door to see a big crowd of people dancing. "Let's have some fun~" He said and they entered the house.

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