Christmas part 1

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"Come on John! Tomorrow's Christmas~ We both know how much you love the holiday season." Theodosia winked at John as she was putting on her coat, trying to convince John to come with her and Lafayette to buy the last presents for everyone.

John sighed and looked down at himself and saw how he was still in his pyjamas. "Wait a minute. I'll be right back." He said defeated and walked back into the guest room to dress himself.

Lafayette was excited to go shopping because he wanted to find the perfect gift for Hercules and maybe something for John to cheer him up. The Frenchman always knew what John liked since they talked together a lot. The three exited the house and sat inside Theo's car to drive to the mall.

Hercules' day went by very well since his customers were all in the holiday spirit and had mostly smiles on their lips. He took a nice lunchbreak at a nearby restaurant and thought about what he could get his friends for christmas. 'I could get John a turtle keychain... but what about Lafayette?' His thoughts consumed him that he almost forgot his plate in front of him.

Elizabeth was debating whether to invite Alexander and his friends over for Christmas. It was always a family thing they did and there were never any other people than their closest family. 'But he is family now!' She thought and decided she would ask him later.

John jumped out of the car when he saw how well decorated everything was in the parking lot. His eyes began sparkling and the happyness began flowing in him again, almost forgetting about the last couple of days where he was aching badly. The mall was full with people finishing up their Christmas shopping and the noise of them was also really loud so John had to almost scream at his friends to ask them where they wanted to start first.

Lafayette took this opportunity and grabbed his two friends by their arms and dragged them into a shop. There were flowers everywhere and he knew how much Hercules loved Lilies so he decided to give him some of those as a present.

John was looking at the wonderful roses in the back of the shop and one particular rose made him smile. He knew that Alexander was a sucker for orange and red roses and there was one that had both colours mixed. He didn't know if he should get him the flower and as soon as he thought about how Alex could react, he felt the tears running down his cheeks again.
Theodosia quickly hugged John as she saw what was happening. She rubbed his back and looked at the rose which John was staring at. "Buy it for him. Maybe you can make him happy that way. We'll find a way to bring you guys together at last." She wiped John's tears away and unhugged him so he could go buy the rose.
John walked slowly to the line where also Lafayette was waiting. He held the rose close to his chest and hoped that Theo was right.

Lafayette got a sudden call from Alex and he hesitated. 'Maybe it's something important.' He thought and held the phone to his ear. "What is it Alex?" He asked in a stern voice and sat down on a little bench as he waited with John for Theo. "I'll ask John, hang on." He covered his phone with his hand so Alex couldn't hear him. "Eliza asked if we all wanted to come over to celebrate Christmas together. Are you okay with that?" He saw how John's head twitched when he heard Eliza's name. John silently nodded and looked at the rose in his hands. Lafayette hit him gently on the shoulder. "Sure, we're coming."

Theodosia drove Lafayette and John back to their flat and wished them a merry christmas. John was breathing heavyly as he opened the door to see Alex with his presents under his arms. "Hey guys! I'm so excited for this~ All my favourit people on christmas eve." He saw John smiling slightly which made him calm down a bit. "Herc should be here soon so don't make yourself to comfy and John I fed your little turtle while you were gone."

John smiled and thanked Alex for him taking care of his pet. He walked into their room and his face practicly hung on the glass of the cage of his little friend. "Hey there~" He hummed and pet the turtle's back. John heard the door creak open and he turned around to see Alex standing in the door frame.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked worriedly and walked towards John. "I was very concerned when you didn't come home. Did I upset you?" He looked at John with his puppy dog eyes.

John smiled and shook his head. "No it was nothing. I just wanted to see Theo to discuss the wedding." He lied and scratched the back of his neck.

Hey guys:3 I'm really sorry for the delay of updates! But I'm back now~

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