Feelings and Sherlock

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Hercules licked his dry lips as he thought about his best friend. Since the last party they've grown closer but Lafayette would also act another way that Hercules was used to. He found it nice and went along with it. Hercules caught Alexander staring at Laurens' behind and rolled his eyes. "How was your day off?" He then asked out of nowhere as he took his bag and got out the purple coat, which he promised to bring home for Lafayette.

Alex raised an eyebrow at the coat and sighed. "Not so well. I found out that my ex Eliza is getting a divorce from her husband Jefferson." He spat out his name in disgust and frowned. "I couldn't really bring myself to work on the case and Burr was out." He scratched the back of his neck and stood up. "Is that the coat for Laf? He'll look great in it. You know, he really appreciates you." Alex walked towards the door to his room.

John put his turtle back into the cage and let his hair go wild as he pulled away the band which held them together. His locks fell onto his shoulders and he took off his shirt. With a sigh he looked out of the window and let himself flop down on his bed. His body felt heavy and his eyes shut tightly. 'I'm not sure I'm ready for that party. I gotta keep an eye on Laf and Herc.' He thought and turned onto his back and grabbed his turtle plushie which he had since he was born. His bedsheets only covered him to his bellybutton.

Alex opened the door and pressed his plush lion to his chest as he saw John. His eyes couldn't leave the bare chest and he quickly shut the door behind him. Shaking the weird thoughts out of his mind, he sat onto his bed and took his laptop on his lap. He didn't want to wake up John but he had to work at least a little before he would go to work again the next day.

John frowned as the bright light of the laptop fell right on top of his closed eyes. He groaned and sat up. "Alex please just sleep for once." He said opening his tired eyes. "What are you even working on? It surely isn't that important." John stood up and sat himself next to Alexander. He squinted his eyes at the bright screen and read through the work Alex has already done. "I didn't know Eliza wants a divorce from Jeff. Must have happened something." John was way too tired to think rationally and just took the laptop off of Alex's lap and placed it onto his desk. "Now sleep please." He begged and fell back into his cozy bed.

Alex felt the heat rise to his cheeks as John took the laptop off his lap and almost touched his crotch. He understood that John had a hard day at work but he just couldn't sit still on his bed. Soon enough his eyes were on John's body once again. 'Why am I keep looking at him? And for god's sake why is his face the most beautiful freckled thing I've ever seen?' Alex wanted to slap himself for thinking that but John's weirded-out expression made him lay down quickly and shut his eyes tightly. 'Why was I staring so long?! He must've felt it.'

John opened his eyes as he somehow felt watched. To his surprise, Alexander was watching him with a soft expression om his face. As soon as Alex lay down, John sighed quietly and cuddled his turtle plushie closer and thought about how it would feel if it was Alex instead.

Hercules folded the purple coat neatly and made himself a nearly midnight snack. He walked to his room and opened the door, only to see Lafayette in the bathroom crying. "H-hey what's wrong Laf?" He rushed over to his friend and let the coat fall to the floor. He embraced him tightly. His fingers wiped away the new tears forming at Lafayette's eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Lafayette shook his head and pressed himself against Hercules' body. He began to shiver since the window to their room was open. His eyes were open as he felt how Hercules lifted him up and walked with him to his bed. He was set down and he got under the covers really quick.

"Do you... want me to stay with you for tonight?" Hercules asked while a small blush came to his cheeks. He was welcomed when Laf held up the covers so Hercules could cuddle up to him. His arms were tight around his french friend and he slowly stroked Lafayette's hair. "Remember that coat I asked you if I should bring you one home? I think it was made for you~ No one could pull it off like you would." He felt Lafayette snuggling his head onto his chest and smiled.

In the Schyuler houshold it went a little diffrent. Eliza, Angelica, Peggy and Maria were sitting on the couch and binge watched Sherlock while eating a lot of ice cream.

"Why won't they get together! Subtext everyone! Does nobody else see it?" Eliza shoved another spoonfull of ice cream into her mouth with a tearstained face. "They would be so happy together!" She exclaimed and started groaning.

Angelica just held her sister in her arms and shushed her every 2 minutes because she didn't understand what they were saying in the show. "Forget about that man. You gotta find someone who really loves you honey." She said and opened another ice cream for her sister.

Peggy and Maria blanked the conversation between Eliza and Angelica out and thought about who might've been the murderer in this case. "I bet it's someone no one would suspect. Like it could be the taxi driver or whatever." Peggy said and snuggled up to her girlfriend.

After the end of that episode Eliza was asleep and snored quietly into Angelica's shoulder. The oldest sister almost fell asleep but Peggy and Maria just had to cheer because Peggy was right with her assumption of the taxi driver being the killer.

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