Chapter 31: Grand Dramatic Entrance

Start from the beginning

In fact, even though the Big Bang Guild is said to be stronger than the Night Locking Victory, it was only to the sheer number of their members and if including quality of its members than the numbers, then it was enough to say that the Night Locking Victory is a tad stronger than the Big Bang Guild.

For this simple matter alone, the Night Locking Guild had been beaming with smiles as they mockingly gazed at the Big Bang Guild members.

"Too bad, super nova shits," said the Victory's leader derisively, "It seems we'll be farming this one."

"Don't be too complacent, padlocks. There's still the next round."

"Heh. The first round is just a warm up. We'll be waiting for you then."

"See you around."

The two leaders of the Guild Squads glared at each other as the minutes passed by. Meanwhile, back to the bench where Siva sat, Volt and Thorn were actually gnashing their teeth in irritation.

"The hell with these guys?!"

"They don't even put us in their eyes!"

Siva was only grinning behind his mask as he separated himself from the room. He had focused himself on designing his second S-Class weapon and so he left all the decisions to the teamwork between his two trusted companions.

Volt and Thorn looked at each other and exchanged nods. They have decided.

Before the fight, they were reluctant because they were up against the Guilds of Warjillis. But to actually treat them like they were fodder and talk about them as if they were ants that can be crushed easily in front of them... it was an unforgivable crime.

The ten minutes felt longer than they can endure and when the door of the Arena opened with two burly Gonn Race players with large swords appearing, the first group to actually go wasn't the Night Locking Victory but rather the group comprised of three.

When the two led the group and left the still uncaring Siva who only manipulated his player panel and then programmed his next design, the Players that served as guards felt that this group of three was something like a comedy.

But when Volt and Thorn passed by them, they felt their hairs stood on end as a burning sense of pressure came from their every step.

The two guards looked at each other and the first one eyed the second to be the one to lead the three.

With reluctance, the second guard sighed and then went to lead the group of Siva.

When they left, the first guard looked at the confident looking Nigh Locking Victory and couldn't help but to speak out.

"You guys better watch out."

When the Guild members heard this, they couldn't help but laugh and so the guard only shook his head.

The Nigh Locking Victory party walked outside and the first guard led the way for them. These guys didn't hear his warning so it was their loss.

Siva and the two were now in the final prep area.

Volt and Thorn was shaking and was itching to fight while Siva remained unmoving, still designing his second S-Class gear.

"Aren't you going to fight, Siva?" Asked Volt, though he seemed to have spoken softly with Siva, it was still delivered in between gnashed teeth.

Thorn was no different when he spoke, "Give this round to us. Just continue with what you're doing."

Siva only gave them a light "Mn." Paired with a light nod, he continued to work.

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