Chapter 19: Colossal Horrors

Start from the beginning

As he was pushed back by the force of the punch, just as he took his first step back, he caught the leg of the demon commander and pulled him.

He wanted to lure the demon towards the deeper side of the fog while cancelling majority of the force that pushed him off his feet.

Everything happened in just a few moments time!

Coming from below and above, the two Lapis Lazulis loomed over him. Siva had no time to stall as he also made a step that tilted his body's angle to narrowly dodge the clawed arms from the Lapis that jumped at him. As he pulled with all his might, the monster was instead pointed at the demon commander.

The demon commander was also so strong that it only spent a little time to recover his wits.

While the other one tried to reach him, it was beaten by the first Lapis. The demon crossed his arms as a black layer of liquid matter formed to protect his body from the lunging attack.

He was crushed to the earthen floor of the forest by the weight of the monster's attack as the second of the two Lapis Lazulis crashed at the first.

Siva was underneath the monster's belly! His mind reeled as he worked for ways to escape being crushed. Then, like a subconscious message, he looked at his right and noticed that the center of gravity of the first Lapis shifted as the weight of the tackle of the second forced it to tumble to its right side. Siva used this chance to jump off the embracing clawed arms of the first Lapis and stabbed its flank to help catapult himself to an upper position.

"Bahgkit Kliiii-naaaa!" the demon commander roared in anger on its alien language and from where he was crushed by the first Lapis, an explosion of black liquid matter erupted like an exploding volcano.

The black skinned image of the demon commander floated with his black wings spread wide, looking around, searching for Siva.

Siva, on the other hand, flipped his balance as he stepped on the enormous body of the Lapis. Following this, the demon dashed in the air and flew-in with claws that traced a black arch towards his target.

With no stable footing, Siva actually felt crisis. The fog of plasma smoke screen around them seethed with the erupting gusts of wind but was still not enough to completely dissipate it since its weight was thousands times heavier than air.

Just as he was about to be pressed by the demon, Siva's left side darkened as an enormous silhouette appeared. A looming buzzing sound of wind rushed forth and sharp teeth lined up in a wide gaping maw paired with fangs parted the fog surrounding Siva.


Siva's and the commander's figures were directly at that mouth's way and since Siva had yet to stabilize his bearing, he was trapped within two sets of forces that wanted him dead.

And yet, he was subconsciously still aware of everything in his surroundings as he became calm despite the sense of crisis looming over his heart.

Using the last bits of his reflexes, even though his right hand still held the sword, one Spark Grenade was used from his QIP (Quick Item Pocket) and its released energy traveled throughout his body faster than the blink of an eye.

It shocked the Lapis on his feet without restraint.

Next, Siva twisted his body, letting go of the hammer and his sword, as he crossed his arms to defend from the demon who made a shocked expression as soon as he felt his clawed hand reached Siva.

A flash of light followed and the alien was stunned!

It felt the surge of electricity travel on his body as if it was hit by lightning.

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