Chapter 11

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Austin^ ^^😎

This chapter is dedicated to ChrissyNelson. You asked for it and now it is here. Thx for the support.

Thanx to all my readers you mean the world to me.


Austin spent the day waiting for Sam to call him but she didn't. He didn't want to come across as needy to scare her away but his wolf was pushing his limits. Instead of focusing on his cell phone Austin preoccupied himself with running the family business. The Nightingale's had built their fortune by managing many small companies and buying and selling homes all over the world.

Around noon Austin's phone rang giving him a bit of a fright. He quickly retrieved it hoping it was Samantha.

"Hey dad what's up?"

"I need you in the office, I want to know what is going on with this mate of yours."

Shit!! Austin thought. How did his father know that Samantha was here? Austin quickly headed to his dad's office which was on the seventh floor of their building.

"Son why did I have to hear that your mate is in town from our Beta and why haven't you claimed her yet. Time is of the essence. I want this curse lifted from out town and people as soon as possible."

"Dad this isn't as easy as we thought. She is human or at least not werewolf. It doesn't seem like she has knowledge of our world. I need to gain her trust then I can show her our world and hopefully she accepts me as her mate."

"I will give you a month to persuade this young lady after that it will be in the boards hands." His father said sternly.

Austin retreated to his office. Shaking his head at his father.

" He is still treating me like a little boy who needs help making decisions. This isn't up to him this is my mate and I will handle this the way I see fit." He mumble to himself unaware that a very sneaky pair of ears were eavesdropping on his rant.

Alissa, Austin's ex hid behind his door. She was hiding there to surprise him when she heard him talking to himself. She couldn't believe what she heard.

Austin has a mate? How is that possible. No Alpha for centuries have been able to find their mate. Why did it have to be her Austin she thought bitterly as she tried to keep her breathing down so Austin wouldn't know she was in his office.

Austin sat at his desk but couldn't think straight. He needed to be close to his mate but why hasn't she called him yet?

She agreed to go out with him but she hasn't called to set up a date and time.

By the end of the day Austin's wolf had had enough waiting. He coaxed Austin into calling Samantha first. He needed to hear her voice.

"Hello, Samantha speaking how may I help you?" Samantha's voice sounded so sweet over the phone.

"See now I knew you didn't save my number." Austin chuckled.

He was amused by his mate. Any other woman would have been blowing up his phone all day just to get a piece of him and here is the one woman destined to be with him not even saving his number.

"I'm so sorry about that I didn't mean to not save it ... I.. I just forgot I'm sorry." Sam said feeling like she was caught in a lie of sorts.

"That's alright sweetheart, I was just thinking that this Friday would be the perfect day for you to take me up on my offer."

"Umm this Friday... let me check if I am free for the evening." Sam quickly scanned her planner noticing she had no meetings with the lawyer for the bookstore or the PI.

"I am free all day on Friday Mr. Austin."

"That is perfect. We can go to dinner at Le Cuisine. It is a lovely restaurant not to far into town. I will pick you up at 7pm."

"Ok that sounds good see you on Friday."


Sam got home from the bookstore feeling elated. As she laid down on her bed her phone rang. It was Austin calling to make a date for them to go out.

Sam had completely forgotten about that. With all the excitement of finding a PI and Felicity giving her the bookstore she couldn't handle anymore excitement.

After getting off the phone with Austin Sam couldn't help but smile. He was invading her dreams for months now and he is actually here in front of her. Finally things were going good for her. She just needed to find her family's killer or killers and she would be set.

Sam walked into her bathroom filling the Jacuzzi tube with water and adding a little bit of bubble bath. As she undressed she couldn't help but feel like someone was watching her. But how? She was up on the second flood. She sunk into the hot bathing dismissing the feeling as paranoia.

After her bath Sam changed into Victoria secret boxers and a lace bra as she like's to sleep this way. She grabbed her phone and dialed Jessie.

"Hey girl I miss you. What have you been up to? How is Colorado?" Jessie sang into the phone not giving Sam a chance to answer her.

"Well Colorado is great I have so much to tell you. I even met a guy."  Sam squeaked with excitement.

"Nooo shit. You actually met a guy. Like really?"

"Yup  we are even going out on a date this Friday."

" Damn you move quick. I'm joking I'm so happy for you. You deserve to be happy Sam. I love you so much. I'm gonna visit as soon as I can. Muahh." Jessie said as they said their goodbyes.

Sam's eyes slowly began to grow heavy. As she is laying on the bed she spots those beautiful blue eyes again.

"wow he is still invading my dreams even after meeting him." Sam said to herself. Sam watched as the blue eyes came closer and closer to her. Soon he was on her bed with her touching and kissing and whispering into her ear.

A soft moan left Sam's mouth as Austin slowly sucked on her sweet spot between her collar bone and neck.

"You are mine Samantha, don't you forget that."

"I am yours." She breathed as she fell into her slumber.

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