The Bookstore

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Chapter 10

The following day Sam was determined to find a private detective to help her solve the murders of her family.
After googling a few private detectives in the area Sam finally decided to contact the first PI that she researched.

"Hello good afternoon, I would like to speak with Private investigator Lester please." Sam said to the receptionist on the phone.

" One moment please ma'am ." There was a really long wait before a mans voice answered .

" Hello this is private investigator Lester how may I help you?"

" Hi there I was looking for a PI to help me gather some information on the death of my family members."

" Family members as in more than one?" He asked.

" Yes sir... My mother farther and uncle were murdered about 26 years ago and the killer was never found."

" What did you say your name was again?" The PI asked.

" I didn't say before but my name is Samantha Maccory." Sam said.

" That name does sound familiar. How about you come down to my office, say tomorrow at noon and we see what we can put together."

After getting off the phone  with Lester she headed down stairs to grab a bite to eat.

"Ms. Samantha I didn't realize that you were home, I haven't seen you all day." Said Jefferson as Sam walked into the kitchen.

" I was making a couple of personal calls I didn't realize how long I had been in my room for."

" Would you like some dinner mama?" Jefferson asked.

Sam shivered inwardly remember the taste of Jefferson's previous cooking disaster.

" No that is ok Jefferson I was planning on grading something to eat at the dinner down the street. Do you want me to bring you back anything?"

" That wont be necessary Ms. Samantha I plan on cooking a feast tonight." He joked as he knew she had a disdain for his cooking.

Sam headed out not having anywhere in mind to go she was just driving around the trying to familiarize herself  with the town.

After driving around she came across a for sale sign at little bookstore down Main Street. She decided to take a look. Maybe she could open up a shop here and do her photography full time by providing wedding and other photo shoot packages. She like that idea and went in to speak with the owner.

" Hi there I saw the for sale sign in your window." She said nervously to and lovely old woman sitting behind the counter.

"Hello dear, yes I'm putting her up for sale its about time I retire." The old woman looked at her with kind blue eyes that resembled someone she knew.

" How much are you selling it for? I would like to put in an offer." Sam said with figures crossed hoping that the woman wouldn't charge her an arm and a leg.

" My name is Felicity ." The old woman said.

" Oh my excuse my manners Felicity I got a bit overly excited. My name is Samantha Maccory. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The Felicity's eyes shone with recognition of Samantha's name.

" Cathy's granddaughter?" Felicity asked. " You look exactly like your mother."

Sam blushed as she nodded her head yes.

"How about I make you a deal young lady." Felicity said.

" What might that deal be?" Asked Sam.

" I will give you this shop if you promise to keep the bookstore going. I don't mind if you do other business as well but just keep the books well maintained and sell to anyone who comes in. Do this and the store is all yours."

"Wow are you serious? That would be amazing. I myself love to read so that would be absolutely perfect." Sam said excitedly.

" I will have my lawyer draw up a contact for you but you may take ownership as early as tomorrow."

" Thank you so much, this is wonderful. My life is finally feeling like it is about to begin."

"You have no idea." Felicity whispered to herself.

Sam took the opportunity to look around the bookstore. She was amazed to find books about the history of the town. It seemed like there was a book for every and anyone. Even werewolf and vampires. Sam chucked to herself at the thought of such creatures living in this quaint little town.

"Did you say something dear? Felicity asked with a smirk on her face seeming to know just what Sam was thinking.

" No I just remember something that made me laugh. " She replied.

As Sam reached the back of the bookstore she came across a very interesting looking book which read

The book seemed to call to her to take it.

" Felicity how much is this book?" Sam asked as she waved the book above her head.

"Felicity's eyes shine with happiness it's all your dear. It's a really good read so much sure you read it from cover to cover."

With book in hand Sam headed home after realizing it was long after 11 pm.

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