Chapter Forty Eight

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Chapter Forty Eight
Outlands - Crystal's Cafe and Rest Stop

Kayla woke up to Kaelen horribly singing 'Baby Vuvu', walking out of her bedroom she saw that he was dancing and singing for Lucca and Layette.  They were both clapping and giggling as he sung off key.

"Good morning," she giggled, trying not to burst out laughing when he jumped up and down before shaking his butt, as she walked toward the kitchen to grab coffee; looking at the flashing time she called as she hurriedly drank.  "Kae is the cafe open?"

"Yeah and Kevin is down there waiting for us.  Now that you’re up I'm going to wash up and head down there," Kaelen walked into the bathroom to shower.

"Take Lucca in there with you," she laughed, "He's too old to be in the shower with his Mom."

Kaelen laughed as he walked out the bathroom and grabbed Lucca, "You want to shower with me?"  He tossed Lucca lightly into the air as they both went into the bathroom.

Kayla walked out the kitchen and held out her arms to Layette, "Want to wash up with Mom."

Layette pouted and looked toward the closed door, as she stared the door flew open and she giggled as she stood up to followed her uncle and brother into the bathroom.

"Layette that not nice come back here," said Kayla as she ran after her.  Closing her eyes immediately upon seeing her naked brother she flushed.

"Um," said Kaelen as he and Lucca stood in the open shower enclosure, "This is awkward."  His eyes merrily danced as Layette looked at him with shining blue eyes.

"Hansum," said Layette as she pointed to Kaelen's olive-tone muscular body.

Smiling Kayla picked up Layette and kissed her on the cheek, "He's even more handsome if you let him get dressed."  She tickled her as they left the bathroom and went into the bathroom that adjourned her room.

As she was getting undressed she watched out the corner of her eye as Layette tried to mimic her and take off her clothes, "Here let me help you."  Reach out she was about to take off her shirt when all her clothes vanished. "Layette didn't Mommy and Unc Kae tell you not to do that."  Wagging a finger she said with a fake stern voice, "No magic."

Layette pouted as she looked forlornly at her.  Laughing she picked her up and kissed her on both cheeks as they walked in the bathroom, "Do you want to smell like roses or lilies today."  She giggled when Layette put a small hand to her head like she was thinking about it.


Darth Nelson sat at a table watching as Mia, lush caramel frame, and her family came down the stairs.  After several days he'd learned that those two kids, were twins and that she'd given birth to them.  His eyes narrowed as he remember being told by Lola Arrow that she and Kae were either husband and wife or brother and sister.   But the dumb chit just laughed and said she didn't care, he was a good hard fuck.

Over the past few days he'd learned that Kaelen had standing dates after the cafe closed to have sex alternating days between Lola and Candice Mills of Moonray.  He frowned wondering where he got all that stamina, but then smiling nastily he hoping Mia had the same type of stamina her husband or brother had.

Tapping the table he watched her sashay around the room with one of those pale little blond head, blue eyed kids and wondered who'd she'd possibly slept with to have kids that look like that.  When the little girl looked at him he sucked in his breath at the intensity in her eyes, it reminded him vaguely of eyes he'd seen in a picture but he couldn't quite  remember.  He smiled at the little girl but she continued to just stare at him like she could see into his soul.

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