Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Kaelen removed his travel bag from the overhead compartment before disembarking from the transport.  He'd used most of the royals he'd won in bid whist to upgrade from a basic seat to an intermediate one and he was pleased he did. The ride had taken more than 2 days and was pure torture, he couldn't imagine sitting in those cramped and narrow seats.

Stepping into the port he looked around impressed at how empty it was.  When he was leaving the transport with the rest of the passengers he was sure the Jigu station would be just as crowded and noisy as all the other ports he'd been to.  But after walking down a very long pure white hallway lit with bright white recessed lights he'd exited into what appeared to be a garden.

"Welcome to the Academy!" Said a soft, clipped feminine voice, "I am Christiana Daniels, a third year from the hydra dorms.  I was sent by Dr. Derrick Jensen to retrieve you. He was detained."

Smiling politely he responded, "Kaelen Matthew."  Looking around he continued, "I thought Kayla would be here to greet me as well."

Sighing she avoided the handsome Nah'Byian's hazel green eyes, as she spoke. "There was an accident and Makayla Ward is currently being seen in the medic building."

Kaelen’s eyes flashed in concern, "I would like to go there, please."

With another sigh, Christiana held her manicured hand out to Kaelen. "We can go there now." Her holding out her hand shows what she wants him to do so there’s no need to say it.

Kaelen stared at the girls upturned hand before he shrugged then  took it.

"Have you ever heard of the hikaru no sokudo?" she asked before taking the step.

"No, I ha-," Kaelen looked around as he now stood outside a beautiful stained glass and slate metal building.   Nodding, Kaelen smiled at the little trick she'd performed.

"I will leave you here," said Christiana in her clipped tones. Pointing she continued, "Go through the purification waterfall, then go past the first silver desk to the blue circular one and let them know you are here to visit Makayla Ward."  After calmly stating this Christiana walked away.

As Kaelen approached, a woman with pursed red lips and auburn hair stared at him.  When he got closer she gave him what he assumed was supposed to be seductive smile.  He read her name tag, Juliet Hickam, fourth year.

He smiled politely, "Hello, I was told to come to this desk to see Makayla Ward."

She smiled brightly  "Head Medic August Tyler is with her.  Mr. Lawson asked that she not have any visitors."

Cocking his head to the left he frowned, "Who is Mr. Lawson and why would he have the authority to stop me from seeing her? The president had someone bring me here specifically for this purpose."

She flicked a wayward string of her auburn hair from in front of her face as she rose nodding her head.  Turning she walked through the middle blue door without another word. As Kaelen waited impatiently he started to hear people talking.  Glancing toward the door he noticed it wasn't closed completely.

Sighing, in frustration, he glanced around the large open area and saw several people waiting but they all seemed to be sectioned away from the blue desk.  As the voices grew louder he turned to look again at the partially closed door wondering what the pair could be arguing about.

Kaelen, after waiting another ten minutes, walked around the desk, to the partially closed door and pushed.  The auburn-haired woman was staring at him aghast. He wasn't paying attention to her or the gray-haired man she was talking to. He could see Kayla lying motionless, eyes closed in a bed, deathly pale.

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