Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter Thirty Six

Kayla sat underneath a spotted lemon tree reading a letter that had arrived recently from Acadia.  She wiped a tear from her eye as she re-read the letter:

Dear Mia,

I hope this ladder finds you and Kae doing well on Aisu.  Because of my lapse I have to suggest that you leave there immediately; Jacob has discovered your location and I'm not sure if or when he will tell Lucas.  He hopes that Lucas will let you enjoy a peaceful life, at least while Patricia is pregnant.  That give you at least 9 months to start a new life.  Your family, Acadia. 

Kayla stood up and tucked the letter into her pocket. Slowly and goes into the small house where Kaelen is. "Did you read your letter from Joshua and Acadia? It looks like we need to leave."  Kayla looked around the room and notice for the first time that Kaelen had already started to pack their meager belongings.

"I have already arrange for us to travel to Chikya and get new backgrounds," Kaelen said as he placed the last of her personal items into her vessel.

Kayla shook her head to dispel the wave of dizziness she felt. She frowned as she reached for the red velvet chair to sit down in.

Kaelen frowned, "Those dizzy spells are increasing, and we should see a medic before we leave."

Humming in consent she placed a hand to her head as mild thumping turned into brain shattering explosions behind her closed eyelids.  Moaning in pain she felt Kaelen place a cold towel on the back of her neck to ease the headache that was starting to get worse.  

When the pain subsided to a throbbing dull ache she raised her head up and sighed. "I probably need to get my eyes checked," she smiled.  "With the letters you can't increase and decrease the font and I am probably straining my eyes."

Kaelen nodded in agreement, "We should have your eyes checked. Do you have the documents that Acadia and Joshua give us as temporary identification?"

Kayla went to the side of her bag and pulled out two temporary identification cards and laughed at the names that were on them. "I am Ace Rose and you dear brother are Jeb Rose."

Kalen shook his head at the horrible names, "You'd think they could come up with better names." Grabbing one of the cards that lacked a photo he scowled, "And we are from Dayum which would explain why there is no pictures on the cards." 

Kayla walked toward the door, "Let's get to the medic building before the sun set."  Grabbing a pink and yellow shawl to cover her from the brisk winds she frowned, "This planet seems to like the romance of not using coats."  She watched as Kaelen put on a dark gray cloak.

Kaelen laughed as he looked out the door, "We need to blend in and only tourist wear jackets and coats."

That was true, when they arrived they'd been asked numerous times where they were from.  Kayla had asked the petite server at the muffin shop why they thought they were tourist and she'd told them that their coats weren't common on Aisu and only tourist or extremely wealthy people wore them.  Puzzled they'd went to the store even the poorest quality sleeved coat had cost more than 10 royals.

"These people are crazy," giggled Kayla as they walked down the cobbled rode.  She remembered when they arrived and saw horse drawn carriages instead of transports.

Kaelen laughed, "Well someone has to romanticize the ancients and Aisu does that plus some."  He swept has hand around to prove his point, there were small brownstones, cobbled streets, lanterns that poorly lit the streets at night and antique shops that sold replicas of artwork and household goods. 

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