Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Dr. Leslie Hyung stood in front of the screen and gazed at the results from Kaelen's blood work.  She tapped the screen to zoom in on one of the active markers in his blood. "I  wasn't able to get a new sample from him but I'm sure the number increased after he'd bitten his sister. Damn I'm lucky to have gotten the saliva sample from Paramour Ward.  It has shown an abundance of active markers."

Dr.  Hyung continued to stare at the display, "I've reached out to Nah'Bye for their medical records and my request was denied. But after a few royals were exchanged and I  was able to get my hands on copies. " With a smile she gazed down at the papers that littered her desk.  Kaelen's blood showed no traces of being Nah'Byian like his sister's did.  I need samples from his biological family.  Frowning she picked up the paperwork that showed his mother's information.  I'll start by contacting her family, but the information listed here is fake.  She sighed and threw the paper back onto her desk.

Leslie looked up when the doorbell of her office rang and waved her hand to open the door with the thought it was one of an assistant or another medic

Acadia Lawson strolled into her office and regally stared at the mess on her desk. She smiled, frigidly, "Head Medic Hyung, I was told you were in your office today."  Waving her hands at the paper crowding the desk she asked, "Am I disturbing you?"

Gulping, Leslie started gathering the papers and pushing them into an empty drawer, "No, My Lady Lawson.  To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit to my humble office?"  she asked trying not to panic.

Acadia sat down in a gold cushioned chair and said frostily, "I understand you are still analyzing Ambassador Kaelen Ward and Paramour Ma'Kayla Ward's blood."  Before Dr. Hyung could deny it Acadia waved her hand in the air, "Stop now."  Standing up, her eyes chillingly cold she smiled, "That's all I wanted to say during this visit Dr. Hyung.  You are being asked politely now, but I can't guarantee how Jacob or Lucas will ask."  With that threat, she walked out of the room with her silver skirts swirling around her willowy figure.

Leslie Hyung watched as Acadia left her office before opening the drawer and removing the files. Ha! If she thinks I'm going to stop she's an idiot! She put the ill-gotten paperwork into a folder and put the folder into her personal bag.  I'll research this privately and no one will be the wiser.  The Lawsons and Sinclairs will reward me once I break the code to those markers, she thought as she smiled.  On her way out she made sure she secured the bag to take home with her that evening.


Jacob looked up as his mother strolled into his rooms and dismissed the servant that was about to service him.  Standing he adjusted his pants and waited for her to explain why she'd just interrupted his morning ritual.

"Jacob, don't you think you're a little too old to still need that done?"  Asked Acadia as she sat down.

Smirking, he responded, "I don't think I'll ever be too old to have that done.  Plus why should I do it myself?"

Acadia glanced at the serving girl that was leaving the room, "I swear you act like waking up with an erection will kill you."

He cocked an eyebrow then said with all seriousness, "It will.  I'll die a hundred deaths with it poking me in my chest."

She glared at her son, "Maybe you should consider getting a paramour. I'm sick of looking at the line of servants hoping you choose them waiting outside your rooms every morning."

He pursed his lips and sighed  as an image of a girl with dark hair and violet eyes floated around in his mind before he pushed it aside.  "I don't think I'm ready for a paramour yet."  Rolling his eyes at his mother's reprimanding look he asked, "Is that what you're here to talk about?  My sex life?  Why don't I move out if it annoys you so much?"

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