Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter Thirty Two

"You seem to be enjoying the sun today."

Kayla looked up from the painting she was creating to see Patricia and several women from the court walk toward her.  She gave an abbreviated nod of her head in response to their presence but continued her work.

"The nerve," said one of the women indignantly.

Kayla wasn't sure which one spoke since she didn't look up from the flower she was adding to canvas. 

"I believe a mere nod is disrespectful to me," said Patricia scathingly.  Patricia swiped her hand through the air splattering paints onto the canvas.  "Don't you think so Paramour Ward," she added smugly.

Kayla wiped her hands off as she rose and stared patiently at Patricia.  Looking to where Maggie, her servant, stood she nodded for her to help gather the ruined materials.  "I wouldn't know."  Kayla added a mechanical smile to her toneless voice, "Excuse me, I'll be leaving first."  She started to walk away but stopped short as Patricia continued.

"You do know he came to my rooms last night," boasted Patricia as she patted her stomach. Upon seeing that she'd gained Kayla's attention she grinned maliciously, "I'm sure after last night I'm pregnant."

Kayla lips curled up at Patricia as she replied,  "I wouldn't boast of being pregnant if I were you."  Cocking an eyebrow she continued, "Wouldn't Lucas have no need for you after you produce an heir?"  She smiled gloatingly when Patricia growled at her.

"You speak out of turn," said one of her companions.  

Kayla started blankly at her as she tried to remember her name.  "Soph-no-Jess-Phyllis Banks Leonard, correct?"  When the woman shifted under her penetrating stare she continued, "I believe it is you who spoke to me out of turn.  Please remember that favor comes and goes." Kayla flicked a glance at Patricia, "And that you should make sure that you are held in favor of a person that has something to offer besides malicious and idle gossip." 

Gasp sounded at the insult Kayla made toward the future queen as she turned to walk away.

"To Lucas you are nothing more than a good fuck!  You will never be anything more than a toy he wants to play with!"  Patricia yelled angrily. Patricia smiled smugly when she saw Kayla's step falter at her words.

Kayla kept her head high as she walked back into the palace. She'd heard what Patricia said and sighed as she knew it for the truth.  Lucas didn't care about her feelings; she was just a toy he like to play with. Turning to the servant, "Maggie please explain to Celeste that the painting was damaged and that I will need a few more days."

Maggie looked at what was once a beautiful painting of Celeste favorite tree in the garden and nodded as she placed the canvas down.  Maggie turned to exit but paused, "Is there anything else I can get for you, Para- Kayla?"

"Can you please bring me a snack," pausing she looked at her table laden with food and added,  "Something without those goddess awful herbs and roots.  And tell the assistant chef Francis that I'm allergic to them and ask if he will prepare my meals."

Maggie pursed her lips as she listened to the request.  Since Lucas marriage all the foods were cooked, marinated and smothered in the roots and herbs that Kayla detested.  Esley, now Patricia's servant, had mentioned to her innocently that Kayla didn't like them and now it was in everything.

Maggie hid a smile, "I can just imagine how happy Pierre will be to be the personal chef for you." Louder she continued,   "I'll take care of it immediately.  Did you need or want anything else?"

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