Chapter Forty Four

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  • Didedikasikan kepada Arkieda Dixon

Chapter Forty Four
Ah'Taria - The Palace

Acadia walked into the room pausing to smile toward Sapphire and her nanny.  She was growing up so quickly and her warm smile, pretty curly red hair and violet eyes were the talk of the palace.  She smirked as she remembered when Lucas and Jacob were growing up they had stared coldly at everyone as if they were gnats.

"Lucas I have something for you," she pull out a small golden egg.  "You open it like this and it plays a melody," she showed him how it opened and then a soft melody played from the interior.  Eyes twinkling she continued as she handed it to him, "It will help you sleep."

Lucas stared at the egg with his brow arched not believe the little box would help him sleep; Sapphire had suffered from midnight terrors and now he woke up every night like clockwork because of them.  "You're telling me that playing this as I sleep will help me remain asleep?"

Acadia smiled widely at him as she sat down in the chair across from him, "Yes.  That's what I'm telling you."

Lucas stared at her honey smile and almost rolled his eyes.  Jacob had warned him that his mother was concocting a plan but he looked down at the little trinket and for the life of him couldn't figure out what she was up to.  He was sleep deprived, frustrated, annoyed and angry; he was tired of the events and galas, sick of his mother's incessant chatter, fed up with Patricia's attempts to ingrain herself in Sapphire's life and he was starting to wonder if Kaelen and Kayla had slipped into a different dimension.

Glaring at the little box he pursed his lips, it had started 9 months ago when out of nowhere Sapphire started having night terrors.  She'd wake the entire wing with her screams and no matter what he or Easley did she wouldn't stop crying.  Acadia started to visit more frequently saying that Jacob used to suffer from them, with her help they went from every day, to every other day and gradually had turned into once a week. 

Jacob suggested his mother had placed some type of charm on Sapphire or left a charm in her room to facilitate the night terrors.  He and Jacob had tried to remove whatever spell, charm or curse she'd placed but they couldn't seem to locate anything.  After several months they had given up and came to the conclusion that she was indeed just have night terrors and Acadia was just trying to help.

Acadia stared at Lucas with her honey smile giddy with the fact that this plan had to work.  She'd been trying for months to activate the spell but even asleep Lucas powers would reject the charm she casted. "Just open the lid and the melody will lull you into a deep sleep; now that Sapphire doesn't wake up every night you shouldn't either."

Lucas stared from her to the little trinket and picked it up.  He could feel the power that she weaved into it.  Smirking he nodded, "I'll try it tonight."

Acadia stared into his eyes and nodded, "You should try it right now."  Rising she continued, "I'll take Sapphire and Easley to visit Celeste and you can take a long overdue nap."

As he tried to pinpoint the spell he looked at her and nodded, "That sounds like a good idea."  Rising he walked toward her and kissed her on the cheek.  "I'll see you in a few hours," he walked toward Sapphire and picked her up twirling her around before kissing her.  As he smiled the silver ring around his eyes darkened back to its regular midnight blue.  "You be good, my little princess."

Sapphire stared at her father before giving him a very wet kiss on the lips.  Laughing she touched his face, "Da."

Lucas beamed as Sapphire tried to say Dad looking from Acadia to Easley.  Acadia shook her head wondering how he was the same man that had just crushed a rebellion on Valox.  "Yes, she said dad."  Walking over to them she took Sapphire and cooed, "You're a daddy's girl my sweet."  As Sapphire laughed she looked to Easley, "Bring her red stuffed animal and let's go visit Queen Celeste."

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