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I never got the whole, 'Missing your mates touch,' until now. As soon as I left Xander's arms and Randall towed me to the center, I wished it was Xander touching me instead of Randall. I watched Xander's eyes darken, but he controlled himself, and for that, I was thankful.

I rolled my eyes as the King continued to speak, talking about how the idea of multiple packs were a wasted idea, and that there should only be one true pack. I curled my fists as Randall got closer, a giant velvet curtain being drawn back. The moon shown through, lighting up my body like a spotlight.

My hair began to float around me as power entered my body. I felt every soul in the room, every dark secret and thought slamming into my brain all at once. My skin began to prickle as Randall walked within he light, his body completely black as he stared at me.

Randall elongated his canines, his eyes completely black as he licked Xander's marked. As soon as his teeth touched my skin I moved a centimeter, his teeth sinking in where they should not have.

He did not mark me. He was not my mate, I was not the dark side of the Goddess.

But I heard that roar as soon as his teeth entered my skin.

And it seemed all of hell broke loose at that moment. Wolves shifted, the fabric that was now in pieces on the floor. The white marble under my feet was now stained with blood, the only difference was my gold shimmering blood that fell from me when Randall bit me.

I pushed Randall away and elongated my claw, slashing it across his throat. His dark blood spilled from his neck as he gasped for air, his cut slowly healing. I used the distraction to ram my palm into his nose, shattering the bone.

I reached down and ripped the tulle in my dress, crouching in a defense position. Randall snarled and lunged, his blood now dry and cracking against his face. I sidestepped and kicked his ribs, sending him crashing to the ground. I ran and jumped on him, pinning him to the ground with my knees.

I bent down and twisted his head, his teeth sinking into my forearm as I gripped his face. I twisted and snapped his neck before pulling off his head completely, throwing it to my left. I was seething, my canines elongated and my claws sharpened. I was half shifted, my fiery orange hair glowing in the pale light of the moon.

I used my powers and set his body on fire, the Rogues fighting near it jumping back from the sudden heat. I roared out, almost everyone stopping to stare at my blood covered body.

"Where is he? Where is the king!" I growled, seeing a flash of white in the corner of my eye.

I turned and jumped, knocking his retreating body to the ground. I gripped his hand and pulled him to the center floor, everyone staring at me.

"This is your fearless leader? Retreating like the coward he is!"

I threw him on the ground with such force it cracked the marble, a choke leaving his body. I gripped his left arm, bending it over my knee until I heard it snap. He howled in pain, my legs jumping over to the other side as I snapped his other arm.

"Rogues have no pack! They have no leader! They have no fucking Luna!"

I plunged my hand into his chest, gripping his heart and squeezing it before ripping it out. The room was silent before the sound of a body collapsing filled it, my eyes looking up to see Daniel with his hands shaking. I looked at the Rogue in front of him, blood pooling from the back of his head.

I grinned, standing up to my full height. I released all of my powers, almost everyone bowing their heads to me. "My mother created you, she gave you a gift, and how do any of you repay her?!"

The Fox and the AlphaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon