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I woke up in that same cold cave, on the same hard stone floor, freezing my ass off. I was shivering, the incoming winter air was not kind, and the wind was not gentle. I peeled myself off the floor and stepped out into the sun, not giving a damn that I was stark naked, not giving a damn that I'm sure Daniel and my mom were looking for me.

I shifted and ran to where I had threw my clothes last night, shifting back before pulling them on. I walked back to my house calmly, like I hadn't been missing the entire night, like I hadn't just touched the dead Alphas things. I walked in and shut my door quietly, the house dead silent. The sun was barely starting to come up, so I knew I had time to take a shower and get ready, I wanted to start today normal.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the table, picking it up and reading as I walked.


Were staying the night at the pack house to Linda's request. She pretty much went berserk on Xander and it slipped that we needed you more than you need us, if he questions you later just say that our family has a witch somewhere down the line.

He regretted it as soon as you walked out the door, his mom yelled at him and told him how nice it was to have the home filled with music, how she missed it. She told him she brought you there and pretty much forced you to play, and that she felt like you were her daughter already.

I saw him cry, Ashe. I was walking down the hallway really late and I saw him outside the music room. He couldn't go in, he wouldn't let himself. I backed up and left without him knowing. He's still grieving, the same way you and I are for dad. I'm not saying forgive him, but try to understand.


I crumbled up the paper as I turned the water on, letting it warm up until I stepped inside. I let my problems and tense muscles wash away in the water, finishing quickly as I got out. I absentmindedly threw on a t shirt and jeans, tugging on my shoes as I made my way downstairs and out the door.

I climbed into Daniels Jeep and pulled out onto the gravel drive way, knowing full well that he probably caught a ride with El. I pulled into the parking lot and made my way to the front door, the occasional wolf walking up to me and giving me a small greeting.

A few of them simply bowed, causing me to internally roll my eyes. On the outside though, I furrowed my eyebrows and acted confused. I walked to my locker and took out the books I needed, making my way to English. The bell rang as soon as I opened the door, causing everyone's eyes to turn to me. I have the teacher a sheepish smile, my face turning and landing on the one gaze I didn't want to see.

He looked a mess, dark circles covering his face. His clothes were crumpled and his hair looked like he had been running his hands through it constantly, a slight stubble on his face. I walked and took my sweet diagonally form him, smiling lightly at El's pitying gaze.

"I'm okay." I mouthed to her. She smiled before throwing a harsh gaze at Xander, not caring as a small rumble came from his chest.

Class droned on slowly, his stare boring holes into me. I felt broken, like I had intruded on a cut that had just healed and I fell through the small piece of skin. I poked and prodded until it became tender again, reopening the wound and bathed in the damn blood.

I bolted at a touch on my arm, looking up as I hadn't even realized the bell had rung. I looked up to a weary Xander, his face full of concern and guilt. I got up and walked out of the door as fast as I could, not caring about keeping up human appearances.

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