Battle of the Metal Behemoths

Start from the beginning

"Oh my--what was I thinking?!" Peridot shouted, turning to Pinkie. "Hey, candy clod! Do me a favor and use your combustible sprinkles on this feathered beast!"

"But I'm almost out!" Pinkie replied.

"Do it anyway!"

Pinkie pulled out her half empty sprinkle shaker, then looked up at the bird. She let of a sigh and gave the shaker a toss as it started glowing. With a gulp, Pinkie threw her shaker at the bird as the shaker exploded on the bird. The bird screeched as Amethyst let go of her whip. She and Peridot suddenly fell into the robot's head and landed on the floor.

"Get off of me, you clod." Peridot said.

Amethyst got off Peridot and fixed her hair. She looked around and saw herself in a large room with windows.

"Whoa..." Amethyst said with wide eyes.

"Why, hello there." A voice said.

As Peridot got up from the floor, she and Amethyst turned around and saw a man with ginger hair with one side covering his eye in a white coat, black pants and gloves, a gray scarf and a bowler hat.

"Torchwick clod!" Peridot shouted with clenched fists.

"You're with them?!" Amethyst had wide eyes.

"Yes. Yes." The man known as Torchwick said. "I was recruited not too long ago. The lady found me and the rest, gave me a place in her army, and here I am! In the city of Remnant wreaking havoc to all! So, what do you think?"

" stupid clod!" Peridot shouted. "You are insane! Insane, I tell you!"

Torchwick laughed. "Why, thank you, short stuff."

"Only I call her short stuff!" Amethyst shouted, pulling out another whip and running up to Torchwick.

Rolling his eyes, Torchwick dodged Amethyst's charge and turned to Peridot, who pulled out a lightning rod and ran up to him. He smirked as he pulled out a cane, which he used to block Peridot's attack. He used the cane to push Peridot back, which he did, but the short Gem remained standing and aimed her rod at Torchwick, shooting a ball of electricity at him. Torchwick was about to dodge, but the ball hit him in the shoulder. Meanwhile, Amethyst used her whip to grab one of his wrists.

Outside, the others' eyes were on the bird as they watch it fly over the city. 

With a glare, Sans' eye glowed. "Yang. Give me one of your gauntlets."

Yang raised an eyebrow, but shrugged, taking off one of her gauntlets and tossing it to Sans. The short skeleton grabbed it and slid it on his wrist. He used his levitation to throw himself to the bird as he grabbed one of the feathered beast's legs. He turned to Amethyst's whip and started untying it from the bird's ankle. Lukas managed to help out by summoning his ropes and throwing them at the bird's legs. As a result, Lukas was lifted off the ground. But Applejack grabbed him by the legs, but was lifted herself.

Weiss' eyes widen. "Sans! Throw me that whip!"

Hearing her call, Sans tossed the whip to Weiss and watched her grab it. Weiss grabbed one of Applejack's legs and tied the whip to her ankle, then gave the other end to the others. With a deep breath, Sans started climbing up the bird, catching Undyne's attention.

"Sans?" Undyne raised an eyebrow.

Meanwhile, the humans turned to the robots fighting each other.

"Come on, Alphys." Nona mumbles.

The humans watched as the robot gave a punch to Alphys. It was going to give Alphys another punch. But it suddenly punched itself multiple times instead. The others raised an eyebrow as they watched.

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