Chicken Wings and Beer Kind of Night

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I can't stop looking for my sister.

I can't stop looking for my sister.

I can't stop looking for my sister. 

It is Gemma. 

It has to be Gemma.

I mean who else could it be? It all makes perfect sense; the last name, the dimples, the article, everything.


I know I don't have Harry all figured out yet, but I have bits and pieces. He does have a sister and I know 99.9 percent that it's Gemma. There are a few questions still unanswered though. 

Where are his parents?

Where does Harry always go?

Does he look for his sister? 



Why haven't I tried to escape? 

Probably because there's absolutely no way. 


I am starving. It's 2:15pm right now and I haven't had lunch yet, I really hope Harry makes me some Chef Gordon Ramsey dish. Although, even though Harry does feed me I always feel like I need to prepare myself if he doesn't. We had a fight and I doubt he will anyways. 

"Here, enjoy." Harry says behind me, giving me a plate. I murmur a 'thank you' and he just stares. 

"Look, Arabella, I didn't mean to come off rude or anything" he says, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "It's fine, you said enough. Now, you should go before I embarrass myself even more." I reply back, staring at my food wanting to eat it so badly. 

For lunch, Chef a la Harry made me a BBQ chicken wrap with BBQ sauce all over it. My stomach is starting to sound like a seal, can Harry leave already, before I eat this whole fucking basement? 

"No, Arabella, you just don't understand. It's hard for me to talk about everything as it is, how do I know I can trust you?" Harry asks me. 

"Harry, you can trust me. I haven't even tried to escape-" he cuts my words off by saying, "that's because you can't." I roll my eyes at his comment. "Besides that, you can trust me." I reply back. "And how am I supposed to do that?" he asks curiously. "You just need to." I say back with sad eyes, trying to get him to open up.  

"I just can't Arabella" he says sadly, walking up the stairs. 



We all officially know that Arabella has been abducted. Her parents know, the police know, her friends know and so does the entire school board. 

The police kept asking us what happened the last time we saw Arabella, so we explained. 

Teddy for some reason shut down. She just wouldn't speak at all, her eyes were wide and she was shaking. Arabella's parents are staying here, just until we find Arabella. I personally don't know when we will find her or if she's even alive. 

The police today told us how they don't have any track of her. It's like she just disappeared in thin air without anybody seeing her? I pray every single night that Arabella is safe. 

I really hope this whole mess ends well, and Arabella comes home safe. 

Away from the beast that took her.

She's probably screaming in pain, wanting to murder whatever or whoever took her. 

We will get to the bottom of this and we will find Arabella. We will bring her back home safe and sound. 

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