Chancellor Lucianna

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Elena's POV: The day after the chancellor announcement

Gabe and I walked in through the garden of the castle.

"Yesterday I announced that Lucianna would become the new chancellor and today would be her first day actually doing the job. " I said with no emotion.

"Isn't that good thing Elena?" Gabe questioned, "You should be happy!"

"It's hard to be knowing today her and Esteban are going to have to work together. Do you honestly think this is going to end well, Gabe?" I complained.

"Elena, I trust that you made the right choice and so does the whole kingdom! So if Esteban doesn't like your decision who cares?" Gabe said thoughtfully.

"Thank you, Gabe," I replied.

"Anytime, Princess. Now should we go down to the thrown room?"

"Let's go," I said as we walked downstairs.

"Princess Elena," Lucianna exclaimed giving me a bone crushing hug, "Thank you so much for this oppurtunity!"

"Thank you Lucianna I'm sure you'll be an amazing chancellor!" I replied.

"Oh please princess call me Luci everyone does!"

"Okay Luci and feel free to just call me Elena."

"ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My abuelo shouted.

"Gracias, Abuelo," I said as I turned to the grand council, "I called you all here because today the kingdom of Venzor wishes to negotiate a trading deal with Avalor."

"That's wonderful dear this could be great for Avalor!" My Abuelo exclaimed. 

"Yes, and they should be here any minute!"

We heard a carriage pull up to the front of the castle, "Everyone take a seat at the table, I will go welcome our guests!" I said.

I ran down the stairs and opened the door, "Welcome to Avalor your highnesses!" I said joyfully.

"Hi, you most be princess Elena! I am Darrion the King of Venzor, this is my wife Emilia, the chancellor Lucas, my royal Advisor Julianne, and finally my daughter Reyna princess of Venzor."

"Welcome to Avalor! You may follow me upstairs!" I said

The table


Esteban| Royal assistant of Venzor

Luci|chancellor of Venzor

Abuela|Queen of Venzor

Abuelo|King of Venzor

Gabe|  Guard of Venzor

Mateo| Guard of Venzor

Naomi| Advisor of Venzor

     Princess of Venzor

Hey, guys, I'm sorry I didn't post this on Monday like I had planned but school takes up so much time :( 

Anway I decided to give you guys some news about my next updates and when I will try and post them

Reversed update- March 5

This story (Chapter: Trading Debate)-March 8

Well, thanks for reading I don't own the characters! Please comment what you think and vote!

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