The New Chancellor

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Elena's POV

The chancellor interviews went on for what seemed like forever as one person left the palace nearly 5 more came in but, soon the room was empty.

"Is that everyone, Elena?" Naomi asked.

"I think so..." I replied.

"So, do you have any idea who you are going to choose?" Asked Abuelo.

"I've narrowed it down to three either, Lucianna Fernandez, Josefina Sanchez, and Emilio Diaz," I answered, "What do you guys think?"

"Well, I preferred Emilio," Naomi answered.

"I, on the other hand, preferred Josefina!" Mateo said right after Naomi said her answer.

"I thought Lucianna was cool," Isabel said.

"I agree with Isa," Abuela said.

"I personally prefer Emilio as well, Elena." My Abuelo said.

"I agree with Isabel too," Gabe said, "But Elena it's up to you."

"Okay," I said smiling at Gabe, "But, I've got to go with Lucianna Fernandez!"

"Of course," Esteban mumbled rolling his eyes until Abuelo shot him a glare

"Are you sure dear?" My Abuela asked.

"Her interview was really impressive and I think she'll do a great job!" I replied.

"Okay! Let's get ready to make the announcement!"

Everyone cleared out of the room except for me and Esteban.

"You know Esteban I'm not trying to hurt you, I'm just looking out for the kingdom." I stood there awkwardly waiting for a response but, after receiving none I too exited the room, sadly.

I walked to my room and put on a new dress that looked like

I walked to my room and put on a new dress that looked like

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I reached the thrown room and Abuela said "Are you ready?"

"Yes." I replied.

"Citizens of Avalor as your soon to be queen it is my responsibility to make sure you all have your opinions taken into account. Which is why I have decided to appoint Lucianna Fernandez as your new Chancellor for the time being." I announced.

Lucianna walked up to me, "Thank you princess!"

"No problem." I replied, "Would you care to address the people?"

"Sure!" She answered, "Citzens of Avalor as I take on the position of chancellor I promise to serve and I'm going to try and earn all of your respect!"

Hey Guys I updated finally!!!!!!!!!! So what do you think of Lucianna? Let me know in the comments below! I also would like to thank you guys so much for over 100 followers it means a lot ☺️! Also, I want to thank you all for reading my story and always commenting and voting! Thanks guys!
Btw I don't own the characters sadly 🤗

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