The Final Battle Part 1-Gabe POV

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Elena and I reached the meadow again, I can't believe the game was almost over and we are so close to winning. That's when I realized

Only One Of You Can Make It Through

Oh great, I'm stuck in this big 'game' against Elena my love. 

Great! Now I-I'm just confused.

"Gabe?" Elena asked.

"Yes?" I asked in return.

"I just want-want to wish you good luck." 

"You too princess no matter the result."

"It's the Final Battle!" (Lol XD) The voice said loudly.

"The final battle will cause a ton of craze, you must find your way through a maze."

Oh great. *sarcasm*

With that we were transported into a maze with walls so tall you couldn't see over the walls. It was a cliche maze with tall green walls that were bushes, I'm sure it would have been beautiful if it wasn't a part of this insane game.

After, my goodbyes and good lucks Elena and I went our separate ways.

I walked on twists and turns until I reached one.

One is a dead end you chose that your out


I guessed I went down the left.

You are correct

Great, I continued walking twist and turns.

"Ah!" I screamed, "I can't take this any more!"

This game was insane, making us fight against each other, ourselves, and even risk our lives to reach the top of the mountain. I'm done with tricks, ultimatums, I'm done with arguing with myself upon all of these stupid questions!

Then Leave The Game


You said it yourself it's insane, so why not just quit?

"I can't fail my kingdom (or Elena)"

Why not

"I'm one of the last two we have to win!"


"The kingdom will fall under your rule!"

Will it?



"If you haven't realized yet I'm done with your questions!"

Am I really that bad?

"Yes, your making a family (and me) fight each other, you convinced Esteban to betray his family. If you are to scared to reveal who you are how can we trust you?"

Oh guard leave the game they don't want you here.

"Well either way I'm staying because I care about them!"

At what cost?

The voice faded away, leaving me with one question 'At what cost?'

Hey guys thanks for reading this chapter sorry it took so long! I don't own the characters, please comment and vote what you thought of the chapter! Next will be Elena's point of view! Then a small portion of No POV to wrap up the competition. After the competition what will happen to the royal family and more importantly Gabe and Elena? Thanks guys!

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