Elena VS Isabel-What Wait?

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Elena POV

"Grandmothers out, now it's time to begin a competition where three will win. Elena vs Isabel, Esteban vs Gabe, Loser vs Loser." The voice shouted.

"You expect us to fight each other that will never happen!" I screamed.

"I never said what the competitions were my dear."

Oh no!

"Elena and Isabel let's go!" The voice ordered. 

I stood up what was the competition going to be? Either way I'm against my little sister and this is something I can't just 'let her win' I mean this is the fate of the whole kingdom we are talking about. Also, Isabel wouldn't be very happy if I got out by letting her win.

"The competition you will face, is a Jaquin race."

"Oh great." I heard Isabel mutter. 

She's only flown on a Jaquin one or twice max. when I have rode Skylar nearly every day but, then again these were different Jaquins. 

Two Jaquins appeared one was more yellow with green on it's wings and the other was orange with a bright pink shade on it's wings.

Isabel sat on the yellow one so I sat on the orange one. She had something around her neck it said Carla, the one Isabel had his tag read Gustavo.

"Good luck Isabel!" I said sincerely.

"Ya you too." She said rolling her eyes.

Thanks a ton.

"On your mark get set.... GO!!!!" The voice screamed.

"Come on Carla!" I cried. With that she took off really fast maybe a little too fast I thought I was going to fall off. Unlike Isabel it seemed like her Jaquin didn't want to move at all it was so slow.

"Come on Isabel you can do this!" I screamed trying to be encouraging.

"An you can shut up." She muttered, probably thought I couldn't hear her.

Gustavo and I started to speed up nearly catching up to Carla and me.

"Carla you have to go now!" I cried we were nearing the finish line and if Carla didn't hurry we could lose. She picked up her pace and we blasted across until we finally crossed the finish line.

"Yes Carla you did it!" I screamed as I got off her back, "Thank you!" 

Both of the Jaquins flew off.

"Ugh! Now I am going to have verse either Esteban or Gabe in some competition." Isabel cried.

"I'm sorry Isa."

"No, there is nothing to be sorry about let's go watch Esteban and Gabe." She said I guess she was feeling a little better.

"Elena you are through to the next round, Esteban and Gabe you will be..."

To be continued! Thank you guys for reading my story out of Esteban, Gabe, and Isabel who do you think won't or will make it? I don't own these characters!  Comment and Vote please! Thank you guys for reading!

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