Second Chances-Elena POV

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I was sitting in my room waiting for news of either the party or my coronation, I had been waiting for hours for any news but, none had come. Isabel was working on her inventions, my grandparents were making dinner, Mateo was practicing his magic, Naomi was with her father, Esteban was who knows where, and Gabe was training.

"Your highness?" One of the guards asked, knocking on my door.

I opened it, "Yes?"

"The kingdom wants to know your stance on Esteban."

"He's okay, a bit strict, sometimes-"

"No, your highness whether you are going to keep him as chancellor."


"Well he did betray us...."

"Oh, um yes I'll think about it."

"Okay your highness."

"Also, could you um... tell Gabe, Naomi, Mateo, Isabel, and my Grandparents to meet me in the Grand Council room?"

"Right, away your highness." He said finally, as he rushed off to get them.

I began to walk to the Grand Council room, I never thought about it, I guess it never crossed my mind that people might want him to no longer to be chancellor after the scandalous betrayal.

"Elena, what is it?" Gabe said running up clearly out of breath.

"I just have a question but, we can wait for everyone else to get here for that."

"Oh okay."

"Why are you out of breath?"

"I just ran here from training."

"Oh okay."

Gabe and I walked to the room and to my surprise everyone else was already inside, I took a seat at the head of the table with Gabe to my left and Isabel to my right.

"So Elena what is it?" My grandmother asked.

"Where is Esteban?" Isabel asked.

"That's actually why we're here." I answered.

"What do you mean?" Mateo asked.

"The kingdom wants me to announce whether or not I will keep Esteban as chancellor after this whole scandal."

"Well what are you thinking?" Gabe asked.

"I don't know what I'm thinking, that's the issue."

"He is your cousin Elena." My grandmother said.

"But, Louisa-" My grandfather started.

"Everyone deserves second chances right?"

"Isn't this his third chance?"

"Elena I just want you to know I'm always with you."  Gabe said, sweetly.

"Thank you Gabe."

"I think you should get rid of him Elena he has had too many second chances." Naomi said.

"Well that is true I mean first Shuriki and now again." Mateo continued, "He needs to stop betraying you and Avalor."

I could tell my grandparents were trying to find something to defend Esteban but, they couldn't.

The door creaked open, "Hello guys." 

"Hey Esteban."

"What's the meeting about?" Esteban asked nosily.

"Nothing!" I replied immediately.

"Oh okay then." He said as he left.

"Elena what are you going to do?"

Hey guys it left on a cliffhanger! I am going to let you guys choose vote in comments should Esteban remain chancellor or not? I don't own the characters :( Thanks for reading please comment and vote! I will try and update soon! Thanks for 7k by the way you guys are awesome!!!!!!!!!

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