Who's Next? Part 1

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Elena POV

"Who's next?" The voice ran through my head my Grandfather was already out of the competition.

"What do you think the next challenge will be Elena?" Gabe asked but, I was completely zoned out.



"I said what do you think the next challenge will be?"

"I'm not sure Gabe." I replied honestly I'm not sure, what will happen, who will make it, and what will happen. Of course, like a cliche movie scene...

"The next challenge....on your own you must seek an item strong, an item weak, an item rich, an item poor find what you are looking for."

Strong or Weak, Strong or Weak

What could it mean? With that the setting changed to what appeared to be a jungle environment. I was all alone this time I knew I had to make it but I still didn't understand this riddle.
Perhaps we will find it as we walk Princess
Gabe's voice repeated in my head over and over so I kept walking I was surrounded by trees and more trees. Until I reached what appeared to be a old structure perhaps it was meant to be a temple. I walked closer to the temple.....
"It's made of solid gold!" I said to myself why would someone make a temple out of solid gold? I walked into the temple I had to be careful from everything I've seen or heard temples are usually filled with traps. I walked farther into the temple to see piles of gold but, one thing stuck out to me. There was a piece of a golden disk? It was weird but than again so was this whole 'game' I was about to grab the it as I heard
"Elena,Elena dear."
"Who, whose there?!"
"Why darling I didn't think you had forgotten us?" I turned around to see my parents wait my parents? This had to be a trick right?
"No this is trick your not my parents."
"Why dear of course we are you parents, why would this be a trick."
"Stop!" I screamed, "Stop playing games with me you are not my parents!"
"Darling, you have a choice, either come with us and you can have the life you've always wanted."
"Come with us and we can go to where you can rule with us by your side to before Shariki took it all away."
"I-I don't believe you."
"Or you can stay here and play a game you will never win Avalor will fall and you'll be to blame."
"M-my parents would never say that!"
"The choice is yours!"
"I can't go with you this is all a trick!" I screamed.
"Fine your loss!" With that they disappeared.
I grabbed the disk slice...
"I have it! I have it what now?" I screamed angrily I was tired of this game playing with my emotions. With that the jungle environment vanished and I was again standing in the meadow. I hope everyone else makes it out too but, now it's time to wait.....
Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter next will be from Gabe's POV and stf1834 just needed to know for future reference do you mind if your OC is still in this story? I don't own the characters. Please comment and vote also just so you guys know I have another EOA Fanfiction published hope you can check it out and comment what you think! Thanks guys!

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