Crossing Paths (3rd part of the final battle)

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Gabe's POV

I can't believe it! I final reached-


"What was that?!" I said as the loud shriek startled me.

It couldn't be, no it wouldn't be........

I'm so close but, what if it is her? What if she needs my help? What if it's something really bad?

But, what if it's a shriek of joy? What if she's as close to the end as me? What if she's just frustrated and by the time I get there everything's fine?

My mind trailed off to some of my memories with Elena.....

When I first met her she was so confident not only in herself but, everyone she was basically the only one who had faith in Mateo. Without her I would never had made it this far or be this confident she treated me like family and that was and still is something I need.

I-I'm this close to the end, this close to finish this insane game but, I knew I had to go back for Elena, I just couldn't leave her.

I began to walk, no run following twists and turns and random choices when I reached a fork in the rode.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" I heard again.

This is when I really picked up the pace,

"Elena! Elena! Elena!" I screamed over and over again.

No reply, something had to have happened but, what?

I whipped around the corner and I couldn't believe what I saw!

"Elena what happened?!"

Hey guys sorry this is short and on a cliffhanger but I wanted to get an update in! I don't own the characters :'(
Please comment and vote what you think of this chapter! Elena's POV is up next!
Will Gabe tell Elena he reached the end but came back to make sure she was fine?!
Thanks guys!

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