The Final Part of the Final Battle

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Gabe's POV

Elena and I had been walking for what felt like forever, it was even harder then the first time. I originally thought that I could you know just go back they way I came to get here and then we would reach the end......but, no the end changes every time. Great!


"Huh! What?" I said startled as Elena snapped me out of my thought.

"I said we reached the end!"

"Ha ha very funny." I rolled my eyes convinced she was joking.

"No, seriously!"

"Whoa." I said as I looked up to see the same thing I saw the last time.

It was an archway with a dirt path under it and trees lining both sides of the pathway.

"Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go!" Elena screamed it was obvious she was excited.

She stepped forward, "Gabe are you coming?"

"I can't!" I replied.

"Why not?!"

"Only one will win Elena, it needs to be you."

"Gabe he never that we both couldn't cross."

"I don't-"

"Gabe, I'm not going without you."

"Fine I'll come but-"

"No but's" She said grabbing my arm as we raced down the dirt path only to see a door.

No walls, nothing but a door a dark wooden door.

I looked at Elena and she nodded. I pulled the handle of the door as it creaked open only to reveal..............................

Esteban, Isabel, Elena's grandmother Louisa, and her grandfather Francisco.

The door slammed shut behind us...

"Elena, .....Gabe, your back!!" Her grandmother cried.

Elena nodded.

"We crossed the finish line!" Elena replied.

"How will we get out of this room?" Isabel asked.

"I don't know."

"I'll try the door?" I replied like more like a question then an answer.

To my shock as I turned the door knob it opened.

"I guess we really won."

"Huh, I guess we did."

Or did they? Do you think Gabe, Elena, and others really won or is it a set up?! By the way this is not the end of my story only the end of this part!!! Way more Gabe and Elena moments to come (lol)! Please comment, vote on this chapter! Thank you for reading, I will try to update over the weekend if I can....Thanks!

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