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I know I know but this is a one time thing (Writing from the Grandmothers POV) Also just warning you only one or two of them have to make it to the end but if one person wins they all do.
Grandmothers POV
I was worried panicking what happened to Elena, Isabel, Esteban, and uh that other guy. We reached a crossroad literally two paths one had bushes full of roses while the other was all old and shriveled.
"Honey, I say we take the shriveled, dark path, I mean he wouldn't be expecting it?"
"But what if he's expecting to expect that."

We sat in silence we were always on the same page but now we are not I don't know what to say! Do we take the dark shriveled path or the light pretty path? How is it possible that Elena, the guard, Isabel, and even Esteban figured it out but we can't. We were supposed to be wise but I couldn't help but feel dumb which path to take?
One was so obvious but was it too obvious? The line repeated in my head
A choice either great or grave.
At least one of us had to make it to the end but who?

How do we know that either way is good? Its his game, his rules this could all be a trick to insure we lose. Is their a right choice? That's what I want to know.


With that we were being attacked, ambushed by what I assumed to be an army created by his evil magic. 

"Run! I will hold them off!" He shouted.

"No! I'm not leaving you!" I cried. With that I was shoved into the dark path I ran and ran. I wish I could be at home listening to music while having a tamale dinner with my family! What was happening to him I wanted to go back but I know I couldn't and that broke my heart.

"Grandmother!" I  heard as I entered a meadow.

"Elena! Isabel! Esteban! and......guard." I replied.

"Uh.. The names Gabe!" The guard...I mean Gabe said.

"Where is Grandfather?" Isabel asked.

"I wish I knew Isa, I wish I knew."

With that I heard 

"One of you is out of the competition, who will be next?"

Thanks for reading guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry if it was boring but the next chapter will be better. I don't own the characters. Please comment and vote below,who do you think will be out next? Thanks for reading!

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