Bloody 12: Sacred Orbs and Old Friends Part 1

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Title: Blood Revelation

Author: Sane. Allen

Rated: T

Genre: Angst, Hurt and Comfort, Romance

Summary: Nastu was kidnapped by a dark guild few days after Erza was declared to be the 7th guild master of Fairy tail. Three weeks after Natsu got kidnapped, Zeref, who heard what happen to Natsu, pass by a castle where he heard Natsu screams. The dark mage saved him, but the fairy tail mages arrive when he healed Nastu and both of the revealed something that the other mages never accepted for few years.

Pairing: Eventually Gray x Natsu

Warnings: Bad Grammars, OOC, Angst scene, Mention of rapes, torture, brother complex, temporary female Natsu, bad languages, gore and violence, trigger warnings and major AU.



"Brother complex mode, angry"

(Actions while singing/ actions while playing song/ scene change)



Please enjoy the story!

A/N: I'll using Natsu and Etherias to call our favorite salamander


"If I remember correctly mom's full name is Nagisa Shiota Dragneel and dad is Karma Akabane Dragneel."

"Natsu knew this from the very beginning. Even though she doesn't felt them anymore however, surprise actions, like jumping, appearing or hugging her out of nowhere will make her remember her time at that place. So please...." He explained before a dark aura appeared and glared at the 12. "Do not and I mean do not ever do those things I mentioned or anything that will surprise her or I will kill you myself do you understand?"

"Nii-san... I'll be going to our parent's room." she said.

"Wait... I'm going to." He said walking towards her.

"We're coming too!" Happy said jumping down from the couch he's sitting on followed by the rest of their siblings before going towards the Dragneel siblings who waited for them before they walk at the hallway. When Zeref passed the first door on their right, he stop causing the others to pause and look at him.

"Nii?" Natsu asked softly before looking at the door and realize it was her old room.

"You know, every time I passed here after your death I always stop and went inside just to cry." He confessed before looking at her and they, excluding Natsu, gasp upon seeing a single tear fell from his eyes.

"It hurts..."

"Because mom... is a phoenix." Of course her answer shock them including her brother who didn't know about it.

"How can you tell, Natsu?" Zeref asked, while Natsu merely lift the journal and viewed them the page for them to read which Zeref did out loud.

"Natsu, Zeref.

There are so many things that I want to say, your mom and I want to say, to spend more time with you. But there isn't, I'm sorry. This journal is your guide to a better future. I made this book just for you two because I saw the future. Yes my dear children, I'm a future seer mage. I saw your future Zeref and even though I want to prevent you, I already knew that no matter how much I tried to do it, you will still be a dark mage in the future, one way or another. I also saw you revived Natsu and turn him into something powerful and I'm proud of you for what I saw and also a bit disappointed however this book will have the answer you needed. Before you turn to the next page, I just want you to know that Dragneel never existed until your mom and I created it with the help of our dragon best friend, Igneel. You see, the Akabane was a clan for future seer but we were only few and when married to other family our magic aren't passed to our children, thus which made my clan rare and dangerous if I mentioned my real name, so with the last name as Dragneel they will deemed my Akabane clan useless. As for your mom... she isn't a human, she's a phoenix. The last of their clan the blue phoenix and she fell for my charms *winks*" at the wink word the siblings sweat drop.

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