What Makes You Beautiful. part 17

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~Liam's View~

"So you seem to have got over Lauren quick?" I asked zayn snapping him out of his loving stare after nicole, obviously still thinking about her.

"Oh, huh?" He asked obviously not listening to my question.

"HE SAID" louis yelled at him "you seem to have gotten over Lauren fast" he finished smiling away to himself, god that boy was strange..him and Hannah suited down to a T.

"Oh, yeah. I dunno I didn't know her that long" he muttered still looked at the door after Nicole.

"But mate, you've only know Nicole a couple of hours" harry said, stating the obvious but it needed to be said.

"Yeah I know, but I dunno, anyway. haven't you boys got to be getting to there caravan?" He said to us finally looking away from the door and back at us.

"Your coming to, right?" I asked him.

"Nah, I think I'm going to go for a walk then go home" he told us putting his drink down on the side.

"Alright then" harry said as he stood up and we headed out of the door, zayn walking to the beach and us to the caravan site.

~Hannah's View~

"Niall" laura moaned "when Is harry going to get here?"

"I don't know, it depends how long it takes them to walk" niall told her getting up and getting a pot of pringles out of the cupboard and stuffing them in his face.

We spend a while longer watching a repeat of the game 'Pointless' on telly having a laugh about the fact that the game is actually truly pointless on all levels, before we heard a knock at the door and the door being pushed open. You could hear the lads laughing as they stumbled there way into the living area.

"Babe!" Louis yelled with a massive grin on his face, as he saw me sat on the floor. He walked straight up to me and kissed me on the tip of my nose and picking me up and sitting me on his lap on the sofa.

"I've missed you" he spoke onto my lips before pressing his to mine sending shivers down my spine. We sat there kissing for a what must of been quite along time before we pulled apart and joined in the conversations the rest of us were having.

Liam and Becca were sat on the other end of the sofa liam with his head on Becca's lap, her fiddling with his hair. twirling it between her fingers. Laura and Harry were sat on the floor, he had his arm draped around her shoulder and she rested her head on his chest.

"Where's niall gone?" I asked them, he wasn't in the room, anywhere "actually come to think of it, where's zayn?" I had only just noticed that they weren't here.

"Zayns gone for a walk" harry replied.

"Yeah probably thinking about nicole" Liam joked.

"Nicole?" Becca shot back, me and laura's heads flipping to look at liam.

"Yeah, nicole. Zayn met her tonight" louis said looking confused at our reactions.

"But lauren only just left, today!" I nearly screamed at him before seeing the shocked look on his face. I lifted my hand to stroke his cheek.

"Sorry babe" I muttered leaning my head forward and kissing his cheek "its just she was our friend, and we know how much she liked him"

"He does like her, I think he's just confused right now" he said reassuring me and kissing me on the lips very gently.

~Taylor's View~

"So, zayn ey?" I said to Nicole as I elbowed her in the ribs winking at her.

"Yes, zayn" she replied sticking her tongue out.

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