What Makes You Beautiful. part 10

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~Abbie's View~

"Does nobody like harry potter in wales?" I asked niall, it was strange nobody had come to see it apart from us, strange.

"i guess not" he said smirking at me.

"Niall, what have you done?" I asked him, he's got to of done something to be smirking like that.

"Nothing, well I wanted to spend some 'quality' time together so I may have asked for a privet screening" he replied smiling down at me. I couldn't help but laugh, so I decided to throw a piece of popcorn at him.

"You'll wish you didn't do that babe, better get running" he told me getting a hand full of popcorn and standing up. I jumped up from my chair and ran down the isle to the middle of the massive room filled with empty chairs.

"Thought I was ment to run?" I asked him sarcastically and before I knew it he'd ran up to me and jumped forcing us to fall over, him landing on top of me.

We lay on the floor just looking into each others eyes. His eyes were truly beautiful the way they sparkled. He slowing leant his head down closer to mine until our lips joined. And for a long while I completely forgot where I was.

Niall moaned as he pulled away from the kiss "I think we should be going now babe" he whispered onto my lips.

"What about the film?" I asked him not realising we'd lay on the floor kissing through the entire film "oh, I see" I said to him laughing pulling my self up from the floor. We picked up our things and walked out of the screening covered in popcorn and our hair slightly scruffy.

~Zayn's View~

we sat on the sofa with liam and becca just engaging in mindless chatter watching some rubbish on telly. I didn't really mind, I had fun with lauren, especially after this morning. We were now so much less shy with each other it sounds so cheesy but its brought us closer together as a couple, or whatever it is we are.

"So what are we all doing tonight then? cause I'm guessing the rest of them will wanna do something together" liam said as he sat on the floor while becca sat above him on the sofa fiddling with his hair in between her fingers.

"I don't really mind" lauren told him looking up at me smiling.

"How about we stay here tonight" I suggested, lauren's face dropped clearly not understanding what I ment "I do mean you staying to babe, with us" the smile she had before quickly returned to her face as she realised what I ment, slightly blushing to herself.

"That's a plan" becca replied pulling her phone from her pocket "ill text abbie hannah and laura, tell them to go home and get some stuff and come here?"

"I think ill give lou a text to, tell him to pick up some booze on his way" liam spoke as he started to text lou.

"We'll have to go meet him though, help him carry it" I said to liam agreeing.

~Laura's View~

Me and harry were lying in my bed, the duvet lying gently on our body's. I was curled into his side resting my head just above his heart, my head rising and falling with his breaths. When my phone vibrated on the side breaking the peaceful silence. Harry reached onto the side and passed my phone to me.

"Its off becca" I said to him as he looked down at me "she said that were all staying at yours tonight" his face lit up as I spoke.

"Okay baby, but let's just stay here for a little while longer" he replied grabbing my phone and placing it back onto the side before pulling my tightly back into his chest.

After lying in bed a while longer we decided it would be best to get up and get our things together before people came back and caught us lying in bed naked next to each other.

What Makes You Beautiful. (one direction fan fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora