What Makes You Beautiful. part 14

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~Hannah's View~

After our gorgeous breakfast we all just lounged about the caravan in various rooms doing our own thing. Me and louis were sat on the veranda on the bench. I was sat on his lap as we asked each other questions, trying to learn more about each other.

"So what's your favourite thing to do in spare time?" Lou asked me.

"Erm, probably spending time with the girls, that or singing" I told him smiling as I watching young children run around together "you?"

"Pretty much the same as you, its so weird how we are so alike" he told me pulling me onto his lap and holding me close to his chest.

"I'm so glad I met you hannah" he whispered into my hair before brushing it off my shoulder and placed a few soft kisses on my neck. We sat there for a few moments in silence, which surprisingly wasn't awkward at all.

"Hannah, come in here, lauren's got some thing to tell us!" Abbie said pushing the door open and yelling at me.

"Okay, I'm coming now" I told her getting up from louis' lap and pulling him into the caravan again.

~Liam's View~

We were all gathered on the sofa, none of us knew why, all we knew was that lauren needed to tell us something.

"Right, mums just rang me, she needs me at home" she told us, the expressions on the girls faces were a mixture of sadness and confusion.

"Why?" Becca nearly yelled at her. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and squeezed it showing her I was there.

"dads work has decided to make him change placements, we knew it was going to happen but I didn't expect it to be this soon!" She told us looking like she was going to cry, zayn stood by her not sure what to do with himself I'm sure.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Laura choked out, harry rubbing his hand up and down her arms comforting her.

"I wanted us to have a good holiday first" she said looking down at the floor a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Come here!" Abbie yelled at her standing up and throwing her arms around her, soon as abbie got to her all of the girls stood up and did the same. All of them started crying before pulling away from one another and laughing at each other.

"Oh god" hannah mumbled in between laughs.

"We look so silly" lauren said going back over to zayn and sitting on his lap. He snaked his arms around her waist resting his chin on her shoulder.

"When do you have to go?" Laura asked after placing herself on the floor leaning back into harrys lap, him twirling her brown hair in his fingers.

"Mum will be here in about 2hours" she told us looking upset again.

"Come on then, guys can you find something a cook it?" Becca asked us looking around at us all individually.

"And while your doing that, us girls will help you pack, we'll come back here when were done" hannah told us getting up from louis and going to put her clothes on from lou's room I guessed. The rest of the girls got up to go get there things and headed off to there caravan to sort out lauren's things.

"Zayn, lad.." I said to him as I saw his eyes follow lauren out of the caravan.

~Lauren's View~

"Are you alright lauren?" Abbie asked me as we made our way through the caravan park to our own caravan, or there's as it was now.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I told her not sounding very convincing I must say "I'm just a bit annoyed that I'm not going to keep getting to know zayn yanno"

"Yeah I understand" hannah told me putting her arm around me.

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