What Makes You Beautiful. part 11

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~Liam's View~

The night had been amazing so far! The music was blaring from the speakers and the drinks were flowing. It had turned out to be an amazing night, and it was only going to get better.

"Babe, do you want to get some fresh air?" I leant down and said into becca's ear, so she could hear me.

"Sure" she replied smiling up at me. I took her hand in my own as we walked towards to door pacing lauren and zayn kissing in the corner.

"So how come you wanted to-" she started but got interrupted by me pressing my lips on hers. I felt the corners of the lips turn upwards into the kiss. I spun her round not breaking the kiss and pressed her against the caravan. Her hands roamed my chest mine doing the same in return. She started to unbutton my shirt and slowly sliding it down my shoulders. I could taste the alcohol on her breath as I'm sure she could with me.

"We shouldn't be doing this here" she whispered onto my lips. I moaned in agreement, pulling her back into the caravan and into my room still not separating our lips.

~Lauren's View~

We were all stood in the front room area of the boys caravan dancing when 'Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO' came on. Me and the girls all looked at each other and screamed getting up on table and dancing like total freaks. The lads were just looking at us like we had no heads.

"I love this-" I yelled at the girls before all of a sudden we crashed onto the floor. The boys stood there In fits of laughter, niall fell to the floor laughing.

"I can't believe you just broke our table" zayn said in between laughing.

Zayn held out his I put mine in his as he pulled me up.

We all continued dancing away to ourselves until we saw liam and becca emerge from what I guess was liam's room.

"Oh aye" louis said nudging hannah getting her to look at them both.

"Becca, becca, becca.. tut tut tut" Laura said winking at her while pulling harry close as dancing with him.

~Niall's View~

"Would you like something to eat babe?" I asked abbie as I sat down on the sofa pulling her on to my knee.

"Yeah sure, but what? I don't really want to be cooking" she told me looking like shed had a little bit to much to drink, but she still looked adorable.

"I didn't mean us cooking, wanna go get something?" I told her, a smile spreading across her face.

"Okay" she beamed at me before standing up and dragging me out of the caravan me grabbing my wallet on the way out.

"Where I was going then?" She asked me as she ran on in front of me turning around as she asked.

"Chinese, there's a nice one on the corner" I told her running past her sticking my tongue out as I did so. She ran after me eagerly slapping me on the bum as she ran in front of me again.

~Harry's View~

We turned the music down and all sat down in the front room. Most of us were sat on the sofa and then hannah and louis were sat on the floor, well not sat on the floor, they were lying on the floor with there legs up the wall.

"I'm bored" liam said before wriggling around and lying down with him head on becca's lap.

"So am I" laura moaned looking at me and winking. I winked back at her not breaking our eye contact until I got a idea.

"Guys, why don't we go for a swim?" I asked everyone smiling from ear to ear.

"Harry, have you seen the time?" Lauren asked me laughing along with everyone else.

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