What Makes You Beautiful. part 5

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~Becca's View~

It was amazing! The music was blaring and we were all dancing madly, harry and laura had come back in looking extremely close so god nose what happened outside but I'm sure she was going to tell us when we got back later tonight, hopefully much later!

"What time are we leaving?" I asked liam while dancing next to him.

"I don't know babe, but we have a surprise for you all after we leave" he told me winking, how did I get so lucky!? i hope this isn't just a holiday romance.

We stayed at the club about a hour longer before the lads agreed it was time to go to our 'surprise'.

~Laura's View~

The boys all slumped there arms around our shoulders and lead us out of the club.

"So were are we going?" I asked harry as I looked up into his gorgeous eyes. Ooo, them eyes are so sparkly!

"You'll find out soon" he told me with a cheeky smile on his face, winking and kissing me on the cheek.

"Well ill look forward to it!" I told him grinning up at him, I hate surprises but if it was from harry I think I'd like it.

After we walked a bit further they all covered our eyes but I guessed we were as my feet were sinking into the floor, we were at the beach.

~Niall's View~

I looked around at the other boys and we all nodded and took our hands away from there eyes. I leant down, put my head on abbie's shoulder and kissed her neck. She started giggling, she was so cute.

We'd made sure our friend from the caravan park made a camp fire for when we were going to be there. It was huge! We all walked up to it and sat around it in our little pairs. Abbie sat in between my legs in front of my leaning back onto my chest. She was so beautiful, especially when the colour of the fire was reflecting on her face.

"Your gorgeous, you know that?" I whispered into her neck thinking aloud. she giggled and turned her face towards mine and kissed me on the lips before whispering "so are you" onto my lips sending a shiver down my spine!

~Lauren's View~

The fire was gorgeous! And what made it better was I was sat next to zayn with his baseball jacket wrapped around my shoulders along with his arms. I snuggled into his chest sighing.

"What's wrong babe? Why the sigh?" Zayn asked, he sounded worried.

"Oh don't worry. Nothings wrong, just I've not been this happy in such a long time" I told him, snuggling further into his chest.

"Well I am glad I could assist with your happiness" he replied kissing me on the top of my head. I shuffled back and looked up into his beautiful brown eyes before leaning up and pushing my lips up towards his. We were joined in a breath taking kiss. I never wanted to part my lips but I could feel everyone looking at us so I stopped the kiss leant back into his chest and giggled. His heart was beating so much faster.

~Liam's View~

"OOOO!" Harry sung at lauren and zayn, they looked so sweet.

"Oh shut up lad" zayn said to him laughing.

Becca was sat on my knee and we were watching the sea roll in and the fire roar and spit. It was an amazing moment, if I could pause it I would. I know it wasn't long since I'd met becca, well really it was only this morning. But I really liked her already..

"Liam?" Becca asked interrupting my thinking.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. Yes darling?" I stuttered out at her.

"I really like you, promise me this will be more then a summer fling?" She told me, sounding truly worried.

I tilted her chin up to look at me "becca, this is so much more then a summer fling. all of this is" I told her while pressing my lips gently to hers.

~Hannah's View~

It was a beautiful night, the moon was up and the fire was keeping us toasty.

"This has been an amazing day" louis said to me while I sat next to him with his arms wrapped around me holding me closely.

"It has babe, its been amazing" I told him smiling up at him.

"We shall have to do it again, what are you doing tomorrow?" He said beaming his draw droppingly gorgeous smile down at me. Wow.

"I wasn't doing anything but I guess I have plans now" I told him smiling and snuggling down into his chest once more. He bent his head down and kissed the top of my head. Perfectly amazing night!

~Laura's View~

Tonight had been amazing! Going out for a meal with the boys and my girls, going to the club and dancing the night away and to top it all off..were finishing the night off sitting on a beach, cuddling up to the most gorgeous people I have ever met watching a wonderful roaring fire.

"Tonight has been perfect" harry told me before putting his hand at the back of my head and pushing his lips onto mine. Completely getting my by surprise! Amazing way to end a night!

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