I sipped my diet coke before eating the rest of the cheeseburger. I didn't think I'd be able to manage all of it but I can quite easily.

"Does your Mum or Dad know about my doctors appointment today?" I asked.

"No, I didn't say anything," he replied. "Everyone will be home by the time we get back, we should tell them tonight."

"Yeah," I nodded. "I don't know how I'm going to explain it to my parents, I left my Mum in tears last time."

"It will be alright, at least you're bearing good news," he smiled.

"Yeah you're right," I agreed.

Finishing our food and scrunching the rubbish into the paper bag we set off home just after five. I gazed out of the window again with little words until the engine stopped, Siobhan's car is the only one in the drive so far so Aston pulled up close behind.

"Oh hello," she smiled as we met her in the kitchen. "I was just wondering what you two were up to."

"Hiya Mum, we've just had things to do," Aston replied throwing the rubbish from McDonald's in the bin.

"Oh you've eaten, I was going to put some jacket potatoes in the oven."

"Yeah, we called in to McDonald's on the way back. Sorry, I didn't think about what you would have planned."

"That's okay. Have you been to look at more houses?" she asked.

"No," Aston mumbled looking to me across the room. "Is Dad going to be home soon Mum?"

"He's doing a bit of overtime so he's going to be another hour or so love, why?"

"I we wanted to speak to you both, well we both do, we've erm, just got back from the hospital," he stuttered.

"Oh, Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, fine. It's news really."

Aston looked at me again waiting for me to say something, It's my news as much as it is his so I better had I suppose.

"I'm pregnant," I murmured.

"What?" she gasped.

"Eight weeks."

"I don't understand, I thought you lost your baby? The bleeding, the miscarriage? What did the doctors say?" she blurted.

"Mum, sit down," Aston said pulling out a stool at the breakfast bar.

"I conceived twins and lost one, the doctors made a mistake. I'm pregnant with the second baby."

"Oh my god. I know you hear about these things but I never imaged it happening to us, how could they make a mistake like this?"

"It's rare apparently, there wasn't a heartbeat the first time or something," I shrugged.

Aston started to explain things in the doctors terms, he obviously listened a lot more than I did. It's still too much to understand.

"Oh love, you poor thing," she said reaching out for my hand across the table.

"I'm okay, I have one healthy baby so there's some good news right?" I smiled.

"Course. Although I did always think Courtney would be the one to give me my first grandchild."

I giggled feeling Aston's arm drape around my shoulder as I held onto Siobhan's hand. I can only hope Aston is the father, I mean, eight weeks seems so long ago I can't remember if Charlie was here or in Dubai.

We didn't have to worry about telling Steve the news, he hadn't had chance to sit down before Siobhan told him everything, but at least it was in excitement. I let Aston tell his siblings whilst I rang my parents, everyone seems to be taking this better than we have, I guess the excitement of welcoming a new member of the family has taken over the shock. Feeling at ease now our families know I just have one more person to tell.

"Is that Chloe?" Aston asked as we all spent the evening together in front of eastenders.

"Yeah, I thought I'd text her," I replied.

"What did she say?"

"She's over the moon," I smiled.

"You'll have to pop round soon, you can have an afternoon together like you used to."

"Yeah, that will be nice. I'll be glad to get back to normal and on track."

"We're nearly there babes."

I put my phone on the coffee table and cuddled into Aston's chest under his arm. In the last few weeks each day seems to be full of surprises, I expected nothing more than antibiotics when I woke up this mornings. Siobhan's right, you do hear about doctors making mistakes but you never think of it happening to you.


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I am slowly bringing this story to an end x

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