Kid Is My True Love

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Kid's chest began to glow a light gray. "I can't believe it, My symmetrical angel chose me!" He smiled and stared down at his chest.

"I'm Happy for ya man." Kai shoved his shoulder playfully.

"Yeah, congrats dude." Soul added.

"Treat her well." Black★star warned.

"Yeah!" Crona softly smiled.

Kid looked up to me and we ran to each other. We met and them slowed down. I felt as if we were the only things n the world as we hugged each other tight. "I love you (Y/n), I really really love you!" Kid repeated.

"I love you too Kid!" Tears were falling out of my eyes. The girls went over and comforted their partners, Liz even went to comfort Crona. I was so happy.

Months later-

"I've got the quarters!" Patty shouted as she and Black★star ram down the hall. Maka and Kai smiled at each other ad they followed, arms linked like chains. Crona wasn't feeling the whole social interaction theme and stayed home. Liz and Tsubaki smiled at each other and Liz gave her a kiss on the cheek. (Yup they're gay for each other (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
Soul and his new girl, Steph, were holding hands and talking about music. He fell for her after I introduced them. Kid and I made it to the main floor and he laugged out.

"Death the kid's my name, Symmetry is my game!" As he pulled me towards a game that didnt look completely asymmetrical.

"Symmetry is key!" I laughed out.

"I love you, (Y/n)." He looked down to me and smiled.

"I love you too, Kid." We shared a kiss and I watched him play the game, I even comforted when he died in an unsymmetrical way.

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