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You could cut through through the air with a knife.

"Let me go." I so at out as I looked up to the red haired boy. I wanted to kill that stupid star clan member. The stars in his eyes told me he was thinking the same.

"Star calm down! Its (Y/n) she means no harm." The boy with stripes yelled at the raging smurf.

"That is not (Y/n)! That is Koyo (L/n). Her father has died and is taking refuge in her. Its the same thing with me. We were sworn enemies." The boy sounded older... Just of been his father speaking.

"I though the two clans worked together." Someone in pigtails asked.

"Doesn't mean we have to like each other." I spat out.

"How do we calm them down!?" The white haired male asked he struggled to hold back the blue headed gerbil.

"I have an idea." A tall girl In a pony tail ran to the boy and pushed down on his shoulder. She most likely had applied pressure to the pressure point. I stared as he slowly fell asleep. She walked to me and I knew what she was planning and tried to escape... But it was too late.

"What happened to her???" Kai asked as he set her on the group of the desert. It was becoming night it wasn't as hot. The others out Black★star down as well. "Why doesn't she remember anything??"

"She must of been brainwashed. She seemed to not know of her clan being killed, I also remember her being with Medusa... So maybe she kind of set something off in her brain." Kid said while he stared at the city in the distance.

"So kind of like PTSD?" Soul asked.


"Well shit is she gonna be ok?" Liz wondered out loud.

"I dont know, the trauma was very large, and seeing as she was trying to kill us, she knows that it was who did it." Kid was now looking down at the two sleeping clan members.

"Let's take them home, maybe being back in the house will help her." Kai said as he picked (y/n) up and walked off. The others agreed, took Black★star, and followed.

"(Y/n)..." The voice was familiar.

"Hyde...?" I asked when my eyes shot opened. I was staring up at the ceiling of my house. I felt everyone looking at me.

"(Y/N)!!!" Kai quickly grabbed hold and squeezed me. "IM SO GLAD YOU'RE OK." I could hear him crying. The others were all smiling and gathering to hug.

"What happened?" "Were you with Medusa?" "What did she do?" "Are you ok?" The last statement stuck out. "Sorry I tried to kill you." My glance shot over to Black★star who was staring at me.

"Y-you what?!" I half screamed.

"You were trying to kill me as well, I should of stopped, but I didnt." I wasn't surprised, Black★star doesn't like losing. I looked down and felt a tremendous pain in my head.

"Are you ok?" Tsubaki asked. I looked over and nodded.

"We should go get rest. School tomorrow." We all agreed with Soul and we all went to sleep.

"So she was kidnapped by Medusa?" My father asked.

"Yes, she seemed to have brainwashed her and injected black blood into her system. Yesterday, we found her walking in the desert alone... She forgot who we were and tried to kill Black★star. In the end we had to hold them apart."

"Hmm....I think we need to put (Y/n) under a few tests to see what we should do. Is she here?" My father looked past me to see the others walk in with (Y/n). "Ah right on cue."

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